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PM/01//2018 21/03/2018.
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi 110 001.
Sub: Subjects for Periodical meeting 2018 Reg.
My Federation submits the following subjects for discussion in the ensuing periodical meeting 2018.
Yours sincerely,
Item No 1. Permit employees who had been awarded “Good” or below grading in their previous five years APARs may be given an opportunity, as a one-time measure, to represent against the same.
DOP&T vide OM No. 35034/3/2015-Estt (D) dated 28.09.2016 had clarified that with effect from 25.07.2016, for grant of financial upgradation under MACPS, the prescribed benchmark would be “Very Good” for all posts. It is also clarified that there is no question of allowing the second opportunity of representation against APAR as these are already disclosed to the employees in APAR process.
Since the earlier “Good” benchmark for MACPS was applicable up to 25.07.2016, the employee having “Good” grading in their APARs for the previous years before 25.07.2016 may not have had a reason to represent gradings given, as they met the then prescribed criteria of benchmarking for MACPS. Now, since the benchmark for MACPS has been raised to “Very Good”, there is justification to allow the employees having “Good” or below grading for a period of five years APAR grading immediately preceding the cutoff date Ibid an opportunity to represent against the same.
Considering the above aspect, it is requested that employees who had been awarded “Good” or below grading in their previous five years APARs may be given an opportunity, as a one-time measure, to represent against the same.
Recently Railway Board, Ministry of Railways granted such an opportunity to its employees as a one-time measure vide Railway Board letter No. E(NG)/1-2018/CR/2 dated 27.02.2018.
Hence it is requested to issue necessary order that employees who had been awarded “Good” or below grading in their previous five years APARs may be given an opportunity, as a one-time measure, to represent against the same.
Item No.2Grant of recognition to GDS Union affiliated to FNPO as per the results of the last check off during the year 2010.
In the last verification, my NUGDS union secured 34804 members. This accounts for 13.21percent. For want of recognition, we require 39516 verified members. But we have secured 34804 members. We are short of 4712. We have submitted nearly 49000 declarations. More than 14000 declarations were made dual by the All India Postal Extra-Departmental Employees Union.. We have not been given recognition for want of 15%. On the other hand, the Bharatiya Federation affiliated union secured less than 3% are given all TU facilities,. The discriminatory and iniquitous treatment is requested to be remedied by granting recognition to the NUGDS Union.
Item No.3:- Non-adherence and non-compliance of Directorate instruction on the following cases.
1. The directorate had issued orders, as an outcome of CR committee on 10.11.17, and instructed that the CR promotion should be released before 30.1.18. Nevertheless, none of the circle have done this.
2. Not ensuring the counting of induction training for those who have been trained prior to 1986 for advancing the TBOP/BCR.
3. Not complying with the advancing of the MACP as per the amendment given in para ..... of MACP rulings.
4. The instruction on desisting from opening of split accounts with a circumventing intent to meet the target is not given a serious implementation at the field level. The act of opening split account is an offence as per the observation of Audit. The restriction imposed on this is dealt with indifference and our officials are forced to commit this offence. Instruction may kindly be issued to follow Directorates order on the above issues.