“Option for Fixation of Pay on Promotion from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) – MoD issued orders on 22nd March 2018”
Availability of option for fixation of pay on promotion from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in respect of Army Pay Rules 2017, Air Force Pay Rules 2017 and Navy Pay Regulations 2017 in respect of Officers and JCOs/ORequivalent
Ministry of Defence
D (Pay/Services)
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 22nd, March 2018
Subject: Availability of option for fixation of pay on promotion from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of fixation of pay from DNI, if opted for, in respect of Army Pay Rules 2017, Air Force Pay Rules 2017 and Navy Pay Regulations 2017 in respect of Officers and JCOs/OR equivalent.
Reference is invited to Special Army Instructions (SAI-2008), Special Air Force Instructions (SAFI-2008), Special Navy Instructions (SNI-2008) dated 11.10.2008 and Army Pay Rules 2017, Air Force Pay Rules 2017 and Navy Pay Regulations 2017 dated 3.5.2017 in respect of Officers and JCOs/OR equivalent.
2. In 6th CPC regime pay fixation on promotion in respect of Defence Services Personnel was governed by provisions contained in SAI-2008, SAFI-2008 and SNI-2008. These provisions regulates pay fixation on promotion, wherein an Officer has an option to get his pay fixed in the higher post either from the date of his promotion or from the date of next increment. Similarly, consequent upon implementation of ih CPC, the pay fixation on promotion from the date of promotion is regulated by Rule 12 of the Army Pay Rules 2017, Air Force Pay Rules 2017 and Navy Pay Regulations
2017 dated 3.5.2017 in respect of Officers and JCOs/OR equivalent. This methodology of fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance, of a Defence Services Personnel in case he opts for pay fixation from the Date of Next Increment (DNI) has been considered in this Department.
3. After due consideration in this matter, the following is decided as follows:
(i) A Defence Personnel, who is promoted or upgraded from one rank to another, subject to the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions as prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules, to another post carrying duties or responsibilities of greater importance than those attaching to the post held by him/her. Such, Defence Personnel may opt to have his/her pay fixed from the Date of his/her
Next Increment (either 1st July or 1st January, as the case may be) accruing in the Level of the post from which he/she is promoted, except in cases of appointment on deputation basis to an ex-cadre post or on direct recruitment basis or appointment/promotion on ad-hoc basis, as applicable in the Defence Services.
(ii) In case, consequent upon his/her promotion, the Defence Personnel opts to have his/her pay fixed from the date of his/her next increment (either 1st July or 1st January, as the case may be) in the Level of the post from which Defence Personnel is promoted, then, from the date of promotion till his/her DNI, the Defence Personnel shall be placed at the next higher cell in the level of the post to which he/she is promoted.
1. | Level in the revised pay structure: Level 4 | Pay Band | 5200 - 20200 | |||
2. | Basic Pay in the revised structure: 29600 | Grade pay | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 | |
3. | Granted promotion in Level 5. | Levels | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 | |||
2 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 | |||
4. | Pay in the upgraded Level i.e., Level 5: 31000 (next higher to 29600 in Level 5) | 3 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 | |
4 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 | |||
5 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 | |||
5. | Pay from the date of promotion till DNI: 30100 | 6 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 | |
7 | 26200 | 30500 | 34900 | |||
8 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 | |||
9 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 | |||
10 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
1. | Level in the revised pay structure: Level 4 | Pay Band | 5200 - 20200 | |||
2. | Basic Pay in the revised structure: 29600 | Grade pay | 2000 | 2400 | 2800 | |
3. | Granted promotion in Level 5. | Levels | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
1 | 21700 | 25500 | 29200 | |||
2 | 22400 | 26300 | 30100 | |||
4. | Pay from the date of Promotion till DNI: 31000 | 3 | 23100 | 27100 | 31000 | |
4 | 23800 | 27900 | 31900 | |||
5 | 24500 | 28700 | 32900 | |||
5. | Re-Fixation on DNI: Pay after giving two increment in Level 4: 31400 | 6 | 25200 | 29600 | 33900 | |
7 | 26200 | 30500 | 34900 | |||
8 | 26800 | 31400 | 35900 | |||
9 | 27600 | 32300 | 37000 | |||
6. | Pay in the Upgraded Level i.e., Level 5: 31900 (either equal to or next higher to 31400 in Level 5) | 10 | 28400 | 33300 | 38100 |
(iv) In such cases where Defence Personnel opts to have his/her pay fixed from the date of his/her next increment in the Level of the post from which he/she is promoted, the next increment as well as Date of Next Increment (DNI) will be regulated accordingly.
4. It is further reiterated that in order to enable the officials to exercise the option within the time limit prescribed, the option clause for pay fixation on promotion with effect from date of promotion/ON I shall invariably be incorporated in the promotion/appointment order, as per applicability, so that there are no cases of delay in exercising the options due to administrative lapse.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Finance vide their 1D No. 4-23/2017-IC/E.III (A) dated 22.3.2018.
Prashant Rastogi)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Authority: https://mod.gov.in/