As requested a revised has been made in the All India PM grade-III GL and a revised Draft GL has been prepared with utmost care and diligent.
The following principles have been applied in preparing the revised draft GL.
1. Those who were already in HSG-I as on the date of notification of PM Cadre RR and opted to PM Grade-III in 2013, their seniority should be fixed with reference to their date of issue of Promotional orders to HSG-I. (SHADED GREEN IN COLOUR IN GL)
2. Those who were in HSG –II and got promoted to HSG-I and opted to PM Grade-III during May 2013, their seniority should be fixed with reference to their date of promotion to HSG-II subjected to the condition that both intra seniority and inter seniority should be ensured. (SHADED YELLOW IN COLOUR IN GL)
3. Those who have opted to PM Grade-II in 2011 and got promotion to PM Grade-III subsequently, their seniority should be fixed with reference to the date of issue of promotional orders to PM Grade-III, (and Not as per HSG-II seniority as mentioned in Serial “b” in the Directorate guidelines dated 07-03-18) except to the category of officials fall under serial (2) above. Reckoning the date of promotion of HSG-II for fixing PM Grade III seniority for Those who have opted to PM Grade-II in 2011 and got promotion to PM Grade-III subsequently will not be correct for teh reasons in point no.(4) below. (SHADED BLUE IN COLOUR IN GL)
.4. Those officials who were seniors in PM Grade-II and got promoted to PM Grade-III belatedly in view any punishment during the course, their seniority should be fixed with reference to the date of promotion in PM Grade-III and not with reference to date of promotion in HSG-II.
5. If the date of promotion to the Postmaster Grade –III is same in respect of two or more circles, then , the date of promotion to feeder Grade (HSG-II) has been reckoned.
Every care has been taken in compiling the draft G.L. Except Tamilnadu and Maharastra, the intra seniority and inter seniority has be confirmed by the officials of each circles.We may get the views and modifications from other circles also before taking a final call on the GL issue. Pl email such circle gradation list of each circles in the above mentioned format to GS.AIAPS@GMAIL. COM on or before 31.03.2018
Thanks to Shri.Chennakkesavalu for such volunteer efforts.