Saturday, 16 May 2020

DG (Posts) Instructions on functioning of Post offices in Lockdown 4.0


DG (Posts) Instructions on functioning of Post offices in lockdown 4.0

Arundhaty Ghosh
Director General (Postal Service)

D.O. No. 30-01/2020- D                                                                                  Dated 15-05-2020

1.      I am writing to you on the eve of lockdown 4.0 at the very out set I would like to convey my deep appreciation for the untiring efforts made by all circle running Postal operations across the country during these extremely difficult times. The stupendous work done by the circles during the period of lockdown has received wide appreciation from various section of society. I am fully aware that constraints under which you and your team have been working since 24th march 2020. Going forward, we all know that the present situation will continue for sometime and we have to learn to get used to the new normal.

2.      Time has come to prepare graded exit plan post 18th may 2020. As the large number of relaxations have been allowed in green and orange zones, a plan for normal restoration of Post offices/Mail Offices may be drawn for these zones. With the likely resumption of public transport during lockdown 4.0, staff attendance is expected to improve. The Working of the Post Offices/Mail Offices in Red Zones and Containment area would, however, continue to face restrictions and we have to find a solution locally as to how best to continue operations in these offices.

3.      First priority should be given to processing and delivery of help us speed post, Registered Post, Parcels and first class Mail. NSHs, ICHs, L-1 and L-2 offices and Parcel hubs should be made functional with the available staff. Processing and delivery of medicines and medical equipment should be accorded priority. Bulk/BNPL Customers have started booking speed post containing Credit/Debit Cards/Chequebooks/Passports and e commerce parcels. We have to ensure timely delivery of these articles in the Green and Orange Zones.

4.      Counter operations in green and orange zones have to be started and booking of all type of articles should be ensured. Customers should be told about the likely delay in delivery of articles due to limited availability of transport.

5.      All India RTN routes set up during lockdown must be continued till the time they replaced by the new routes sent to you vide my D.O. No. 19-02/2019-PD dated 04-05-2020.

6.      While restoring the normal workings in Post Offices and Mail Offices we must not dilute the social distancing norms and wearing of masks by our employees. Offices should be provided with soap and water/sanitizer for hand hygiene. In the public area social distancing markings may be drawn. In the Post Offices and Mail offices postmen/other staff may be called in staggered way as far as possible, so as to avoid crowding in the office. All health guidelines issued by the Govt. of India / State / UT govts. May be scrupulously followed.

Should your desire to flag any specific issue in this connection, please feel free to write us.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Yours sincerely
                                                                                         Arundhaty Ghosh
All CPMGs.


Author: verified_user