Saturday, 30 November 2019
Author: PostalBlog verified_user
Availability of option for fixation of pay on MACPS from the date of next increment in the lower post - DoPT OM DOPT OM - Availability of option for fixation o
CURRENT STATUS OF GRANT OF ONE INCREMENT TO RETIREES OF 30TH JUNE (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu
Important Judgement – Officially retired on 30th June is eligible for increment due on 1st July nationally for pensionary Benefits IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATE
Grant of special increment in the form of personal pay to the Central Govt. Servants Grant of special increment in the form of person
When increment will be drawn in case of officials availing leave on 1st July of the year? Officials are going on leave during first Jul
Date of next increment - Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2016 : DoP The undersigned is directed to invite attenti
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