Monday, 2 September 2019

IPPB Quiz - winners will be awarded 1000/- Rs Amazon gift voucher


Madam / Sir,
Kindly refer to the this office email dated 30.08.2019 regarding celebration of 1st Anniversary of IPPB. Topic for the quiz on2nd September will be Financial Inclusion, it will consists of 5 questions– The below mentioned link will be activated from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, kindly click on the link through your laptop or smartphone and attempt the quiz :

Click here for Quiz

First 3 correct entries received from anybody in IPPB & DoP will be awarded Amazon Gift Vouchers of 1000/- each.
2. This division has been directed to forward all circle head with request to circulate above upto last mile agent as the link will be activated from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm so that maximum participants can beinvolved.
PBI Division

Author: verified_user