Monday, 2 September 2019

How to Pay through AEPS at Post Office counter

Dear all,
  Aadhar Enabled Payment System or AEPS is launched by IPPB from 01.09.19..This means a customer can walk into a post office counter or to a postman and withdraw money from his bank account..

if the customer is not having any IPPB account, he/she can still withdraw money from bank..The only condition is that bank account needs to be linked with your Aadhar..If aadhar is linked bank account, system will first validate your mobile number using OTP, then IIN number of the bank is to be chosen (The bank from which you desire to withdraw amount), finally your biometric will be mandatorily matched from Aadhar server..If all details are successfully validated, you can withdraw amount from bank at PO counter or through Micro ATM..In finacle CAEPS is the menu to be used for this..You can also view the balance in your bank account using this option..Using pull money option, you pull the money from bank to IPPB account...All transactions will be reflected in the cash management report instantly and will be reflected in d daily acct on T+1 basis..Please perform the transactions during working hours only as the same is to be accounted on the same day itself..As of now no charges will be levied from customer..But if the postman attends a customer at door step beyond 300 mtr radius of access point, door step charges will be levied..Please delete cookies and cache in finacle before proceeding with CAEPS menu. Best wishes for all..

Thanks and Regards,

Tony Rajan
AMAO, Coimbatore

Author: verified_user