Thursday, 22 August 2019

Acceptance of Passport, Aadhar Card and PAN Card as a valid document for age proof of girl child for opening of Sukanya Samriddhi Account

(e) Birth Certificate of Girl Child is mandatory to be submitted. In case proper birth certificate is not available Certificate of date of birth from school given by Headmaster or a certificate from Head of the village showing date of birth of the girl or a certificate from hospital where the girl child was born can be taken. In addition to this, Passpbrt, Aadhar card and PAN card of girl child if available can be accepted as age proof for opening of Sukanya Samriddhi Account in case date of birth certificate of girl child is not available.

(Addendum to SB Order No.2/2015 dated 26.2.2015 & SB Order No.11/2015 dated 28.9.2015 holds good) 
valid proof for SSA account opening

Author: verified_user