Thursday, 21 June 2018

DA on Transport Allowance at Pre-revised Rates - Noting of DoE

"Clarification regarding admissibility of DA on Transport Allowance at pre-revised rates from 01.07.2016 (@132%) and from 01.01.2017 @ 136%"

21/5/2017-E-II(B) Pt.
Department of Expenditure
E.II(B) Section
Reference PUC I to III, (p.1/NLF of DOT, p2.3/cor.,p.u.6/cor.)

References have been received from Department of Telecom, D/o Revenue and Central Secretariat (Promotee Assistants) Association seeking clarification regarding admissibility of DA on Transport Allowance at pre-revised rates from 01.07.2016 (@132%) and from 01.01.2017 @ 136%

2. As per recommendations of 7th CPC, rates of Transport Allowance had been revised w.e.f. 01.07.2017. Details of rates during 6th CPC and as prescribed by 7th CPC are given below:

Employees drawing pay in Pay LevelRates of Transport Allowance per month as per the recommendation of 7th CPCRates of Transport Allowance per month as per the recommendation of 6th CPC
Employees posted in the Cities as per Annexure-IEmployees posted at other PlacesEmployees posted in the Cities as per Annexure-IEmployees posted at Other Places
9 and aboveRs.7200 + DA thereonRs.3600 + DA thereonRs. 3200/- + DA thereonRs. 1600/- + DA thereon
3 to 8 and those drawing Pay of Rs.24200/- and above in Level 1 & 2 of the Pay MatrixRs. 3600 + DA thereonRs. 1800 + DA thereonRs. 1600/- + DA thereonRs. 800/- + DA thereon
1 and 2Rs. 1350 + DA thereonRs. 900 + DA thereonRs. 600/- + DA thereonRs. 400/- + DA thereon

3. It may be seen from the above table that rates of Transport Allowance as recommended by 7th CPC are inclusive of DA @ 125% as on 01.01.2016.

4. It is clearly mentioned in the Resolution dated 25.07.2016 that till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances will continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay strucutre, as if the pay had not been revised with effect from 1st day of January, 2016." Therefore, between 01.01.2016 and 30.06.2017, no DA had been allowed on any Allowance.

5. In case, if the enhanced rate of DA i.e. 132% w.e.f. 0.07.2016 & 136% w.e.f. 01.01.2017 given for pre-revised pay scale of 6th CPC, is allowed on Transport Allowance rates as per 6th CPC, it would exceed the rates of Transport Allowance as recommended by the 7th Central Pay Commission which is not permissible. Therefore, we may clarify to D/o Telecommunication, D/o Revenue and Central Secretariat Association (Promottee Assistants) that enhanced rate of DA on 6th CPC rates of Transport Allowance from 01.07.2016 to 30.06.2017, is not admissible. Kindly see for consideration.

(Nirmala Dev)
DS (EG)/19.02.2018
Source: CSSOA

Author: verified_user