Saturday, 16 May 2020

Promotion of PA to LSG Cadre (Acctt. Line) in Delhi Circle.


Department of Posts India
Office of the CPMG Delhi Circle
Meghdoot Bhawan Link road New Delhi 110001

No: Staff/01-15/LSG Acctt./DPC/Postal/2020                                              Dated 15.05.2020

The Competent authority is pleased to promote the following Postal Assistants in LSG Cadre (Acctt. Line) on regular basis with immediate effect.
Sr. no.
Name of Official
Name of Present Unit
Transfer/Postings on Promotion
Smt. Deepa Gupta
Delhi GPO
New Delhi Central Dn.
Sh. Ajay Kumar
New Delhi West Dn.
Delhi North Dn.
(i)                  Under the provisions of MHA OM No. F-7/1180/Estt./F-1 dated 26.09.81 the officials are entitled to an option to have their pay fixed from the date of next increment. Option in this regard may be exercised within the stipulated time of one month if applicable.
(ii)                The Pay and Allowance of the officials will be fixed as per provision of FR -22 (1) (a) (i) and Rule -13 of CCS (RP) Rules-2008 if applicable.

In case of disciplinary/vigilance case pending against any official, He / She may not be promoted/ relieved and matter be referred to this office for further directions. The officials against whom punishment is current, if any, may be relieved after expiry of their punishment.

Posting order be issued and relieve the officials immediately.
Copy of relevant charge report may be sent to all concerned including this office also.

                                                            Assistant Director (Staff and vigilance)

Copy to information and necessary action :

1.      All heads of units (Postal) Delhi Circle.
2.      PS to DPS (O) , Delhi Circle.
3.      All circle secretaries, Union / Associations, Delhi Circle.
4.      P&T Admn. Cell , C/O 56 APO.
5.      O/C and spare.


Author: verified_user