Monday 11 May 2020

Appeal for making the local agitational programme of Postal JCA, Odisha Circle successful

Dear Comrades,

Please refer Postal JCA (NFPE, FNPO & BPEF) letter dated 7th May 2020 requesting you all to adopt the agitational programmes in letter and spirit  and to make it a grand success on certain charter of demands as listed below.

Programme of Action

i.             Wearing of black badges for one week from 11.05.2020 to 16.05.2020.
ii.           Lunch hour protest demonstrations in workplaces on 12.05.2020 showing placards against the inhumane orders maintaining the norms of social distancing as required.
iii.          One day Dharna Programme before Circle Office, Bhubaneswar soon after the lockdown is over where the future course of action for

Charter of Demands before Circle Head

i.             Withdraw the Circle Office Order issued vide C O letter No. SB/53-1/COVID-19/2020, Dated 04.05.2020 for mandatory opening of DOP Staff Salary Account with IPPB. 
ii.           Guide the Divisional Heads to refrain from the negative attitude of non-credit of salary and other benefits in case of failure of the employees to open IPPB Account and link with IPPB Account.
iii.          Opening of IPPB Account and its linking with POSB Account for salary purpose should remain optional. 
iv.          Guide the IPPB personnel not to be authoritative over the DOP employees. 
v.           Ensure 50% attendance of officials in offices as before till the lockdown period is over as per Directorate/DoPT/MHA guidelines. 
vi.          Ask the Divisional Heads to supply preventive materials to Post and RMS offices as per requirement. 
vii.        Ask the Divisional heads to arrange for regular sanitization of post offices especially bigger offices facing unexpected crowds even during the lockdown period.
viii.      Arrange official supply of Laptops / Mobiles to Postmasters of Head Post Offices if it is required before ordering for V C or for any other purpose.

It is our sincere appeal to all the Divisional / Branch Secretaries and staff members to organize the programmes successfully and not to exercise option for opening of DOP Staff Salary Account with IPPB Ltd under any circumstances.

Our successful organization of the programme will certainly open the eyes of the administration. In this context, we would like to remind you all the golden words  of  our founder leader Babu Tarapad Mukherjee.

-       If you want real living wages.
-       If you want to have your working hours reduced.
-       If you desire better treatment from your superior officer.
-       If you want that authorities should consult and consider your opinion on all administrative measures affecting you.

= Bruhaspati Samal =
Odisha Circle


Author: verified_user