Friday, 15 May 2020

Technology Task Force for considering technology overhaul of PLI/RPLI


Directorate of Postal Life Insurance
Department of Posts, Ministry of Communications
Government of India
Chankya Puri Post Office Complex New Delhi 110021

No.- 1-29/2011-L1                                                                                           Dated 22-04-2020

Subject :- Constitution of Technology Task Force for considering technology overhaul of PLI/RPLI

        It is imperative to support our technology back bone as well as our backend systems well in time, in order to provide insurance services to or PLI/RPLI customers at par with other private insurance players.

1.      In view of above, a committee comprising of following officers is being constituted to look into various technology aspects in the current market scenario:
1.      CGM PLI
2.      CPMG Tamilnadu or his representative
3.      DDG Technology Dak bhawan
4.      DDG PMU Dak Bhawan
5.      GM CEPT or his representative
6.      GM ( Operations ) PLI Directorate
Member Secretary
7.      GM ( Business & investment ) PLI Directorate

2.      Due to outbreak of COVID19, there is lockdown across  all circles, therefore undersigned is directed to convey that members may send their views through e-mail to member secretary. Thereafter meeting of committee may be held through VC. It is requested to kindly send the views within fifteen days on “what is required “i.e. wish list for would be IT systems and facilities for our customers as well as backend systems at par with the best players in the industry.
3.      This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Hariom Sharma
Dy divisional Manager


Author: verified_user