Friday 17 April 2020

Postinfo 3.0 update available - Download now.


Postinfo 3.0 update availableЁЯСЗ

*Improved Material Design*
*Interest Rates Updated as on 01-04-2020*
*Added Toll-Free Customer Care Numbers*
*Added Official App`s Link*
*Added Offline Pincode Search*
*Pincode Data Updated as on 31-03-2020*
*Features of Offline Pincode Search*
Search by Office Name
Search by Pincode
Search by City-District
Search by Taluk
Listing Nearest Post Office
Share Post Office Details
Make Phone Call to Post Office (If Phone Number Available)
StreetView, Map, Drive-Now (If Lat-Long Available)

*Added Premium Calculator Widget*
*Features of Premium Calculator*
New PLI Premium Calculator
New RPLI Premium Calculator
Added Monthly Premium Table
Added Quarterly Premium Table
Added Half-Yearly Premium Table
Added Yearly Premium Table
Added New Policy Premium Table
Added After 1 Year Premium Table
Added Yugal Suraksha Spouse Age
Added Non-Standard RPLI Premium Table
Added Export-Share Premium Table as PDF
Added Screenshot for Premium Table

*Added New In-App Browser*
*Features of In-App Browser*
Improved Performance
Improved Design
Take Screenshot
Faster than before
Additionally Supports Chrome Tabs

*Added Insurance Portal*
*Features of Insurance Portal*
Agent Login
Customer Login
Buy Policy

Author: verified_user