Thursday, 12 March 2020

Undue delay in settling the issues discussed in the meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM)

Undue delay in settling the issues discussed in the meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) and also in the 47th Meeting of the National Council (JCM).

Shiva Gopal Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
March 02   2020
The Secretary
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi – 110 001.
Subject: Undue delay in settling the issues discussed in the meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) and also in the 47th Meeting of the National Council (JCM).
Reference: l) Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting held on 07.03.2019 under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Personnel) circulated vide DOP&T OM No.3/1/2018-JCA dated 08th July, 2019.
2) Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 circulated vide DOP&T OM No. 3/ 1/2019-JCA dated 13th June, 2019.
Dear Sir,
The Staff Side have raised many important issues in the above mentioned Meetings and the Official Side have agreed to consider those issues and take favourable decisions. However, it is regretted to inform you that many of the issues are remaining unsettled resulting in discontentment amongst the Central Government Employees and this Office is receiving repeated references from the Constituent Organizations and the affected employees. Some of the important issues are given below for your favourable consideration.
 Items discussed in the Standing Committee Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 07.03.2019.
1.    Item No. I : Policy formulation for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices of Central Government Industrial Establishments like Railways, Defence etc. as per the amended provisions of Section – 22 of Apprentice Act, 1961.
2.    Item No. 10 : Restoration of Interest Free Advances, withdrawn by the Government based on 7th CPC recommendations.
3.    Item No. 26 : Extension of benefits of revised Pt!nsion Rules – 2016 in respect of Pensioners of Central Government Employees in autonomous bodies.
4.    Item No. 27 & Item o. 38 : Parity in Pay Scale of all Stenographers. Assistants and Ministerial Staffs in subordinate Offices and in IA&AD and organized accounts cadre with Central Secretariat Staffs by upgrading their Pay Scales.
5.    Item No. 29 : Enhancement of Bonus Ceiling Limit of Casual Labourers, consequent on enhancement of bonus calculation ceiling of Central Government Employees.
6.    Item No. 4 : Career progression of Data Entry Operator Cadre of DRDO, under Ministry of Defence.
7.    Item No. 5 : Recognition of Technical Diploma Course in different discipline of Engineering / Technology obtained through Distance Education Mode for the purpose of LDCE to the Departmental Candidates for appearing for higher post with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- (Level 6 of 7th CPC).
8.    Item No. 8 :Correlation of hourly rates of Industrial Workers of Ordnance Factories based on CPC Pay Scale w.e.f. Ol.Ol.2006.
9.    Item No. 6 : Implementation of recommendation of CPC with regard to Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for posts in Group “B”‘ and Group “C”.
10.  Item No. 7 : Scrap PFRDA Act and re-introduce the Defined Benefit Statutory Pension Sheme.
11.  Item No. 11 : Remove the arbitrary ceiling on Compassionate Appointments.
12.  Item No. 14 : Reduction of one day Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) to the employees of OFB and DGQA under Department of Defence Production against the Cabinet decision and Government orders.
13.  Item No. 15 : Grant of One Time Relaxation to the Central Government Employees who have availed LTC-80 and travelled by air by purchasing tickets from authorities other than authorized agents.
14.  Item No. 17 : Restoration of interest free advance which was withdrawn by the Government based on Jlh CPC recommendation.
15.  Item No. 19 : Grant of 3rd MACP in Grade Pay Rs. 4600 to the Master Craftsman (MCM) of Defence Ministry, who are holding the post of MCM in the pre-revised Pay Scale of Rs. 4500-7000 as on 31.12.2005.
16.  Item No. 23 : Review of the income criteria for the dependent parents of Government Employees in the wake of the recent legislation of “Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007”.
17.  Item No. 25 : Withdraw the stringent conditions, unilaterally imposed bythe Government on grant of Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) in promotion and grant of MACP on promotional hierarchy.
18.  Item No. 26 : Removal of ambiguity in fixation of pay of re-employed ex­ servicemen and grant of the same benefit extended to commissioned officers who are below officers rank.
19.  Item No. 27 : Permission to opt for pay fixation in the revised pay structure on a date after the date of issue of CCS (RP) Rules. 2016 notification (25.07.2016) in case of employees whose promotion becomes due after 25.07.2016.
Items discussed in the Meeting of the National Council (JCM) held on 13.04.2019.
1.    4.1 : Importance of the forum of Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) and holding regular meetings of ational Council (JCM) so that accumulation of Staff issues I grievances in avoided.
2.    2) 4.5 : To consider modification of the MoFs OM dated 12m December. 2018 relating to re-option opportunity to those staff who intend to switch over the 7th CPC from the date of their promotion / MACPs / Cadre restructuring beyond 25th July, 2016 instead of restricting the same upto 25th July, 2016 and also to those employees who have opted for promotional / MACP / Pay Fixation from the date of increment i.e. on 01st July, 2016 in &h CPC Pay Scale prior to the notification of rt’CPC.
3.    4.15 : MACP issues : The Leader of the Staff Side said that “Very Good” benchmarking should be cancelled and the MACPs should be given effect from 01.01.2006 with appropriate option. He explained that while the teaching staff under HRD Ministry and Delhi Government have been brought under MACPs, the Principals and Teachers of Indian Railways, Defence etc. are not covered He requested for quick action for rendering justice to Teaching Staff of Railways and Defence etc.
4.    6.4.6 : Item No. 12/19 C-47 : Stepping up of pay of Seniors with that of juniors under ACP and MACP.
5.    6.4.7 : Item No. 14/19 C-47 – Increase in Residency Period for future Promotion.
6.    6.4.10 : Item No. 20/19-NC-47 – Revised Scheme of Compassionate Appointment.
7.    6.4.11 : Item No. 22/19-NC-47 – Creation of NFSG grade in cadre of UDC / Stenographers in all Offices outside Secretariat.
8.    6.4.16 : Item No. 8/19-NC-47 – Granting temporary status to all eligible casual Labourers.
9.    6.5.1: Item No. 5/ 19-NC-47 – GPF for those who have been recruited on or after 01 .01.2004.
10. 6.6.3 : Item No. 36/l 9-NC-47 – Exemption from payment of Income Tax to Pensioners who have attained age of 80 years or more.
11. 7. : After detailed discussion on the agenda, the following important points were raised by Staff Side members of MoD.
12. 7 (i) : MoD has taken a decision to declare 289 items being manufactured in the Ordnance Factories and “non-Core” and to outsource the same, thereby affecting drastically the workload of Ordnance Factories. Moreover, MoD has decided to close down many Defence Establishments, rendering more than 31,000 employees surplus. These decisions are taken without any discussion with the Staff Side, in spite of the fact that there is a clear direction from the Cabinet Secretary that before taking such decisions, the views of Staff Side should be kept in mind .
13. 7 (ii) During the Strike negotiations with recognized Federations, Department of Defence Production has agreed to consider the demand of Staff Side to allot salary expenditure separately to the Ordnance Factories and to de-link the same from the cost of OFB products. The issue is still remaining unsettled and Staff Side requested to settle the matter at the earliest.
14. 7 : Thereafter the following points were noted and summarized :-
15. 7 (i) Regular meeting of the Nat ional Council, Standing Committee as well as Departmental Councils of the JCM may be held in Order to have speedy resolution of issues concerning the employees.
16. 7 (iv) The Chairman directed the Official Side to look into employees – specific grievances l ikely to arise due to implementation of decision of the Government to restructure the Printing and Stationery Department and Central Public Works Department.
17. It is requested that all the above issues discussed in both the meetings may please be settled and we also request you to convene a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council (JCM) to discuss about the Progress / Action Taken Report in this regard .
Awaiting for your earlier and favourable response please.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,


Author: verified_user