Thursday 26 March 2020

Model Memorandum to your Member of Parliament constituency (MP)

Please forward it to your member of  parliament constituency (MP), copy paste and change your MP name and your address


Hon.Sri.P.R. Natarajan AVL

Respected sir, 

      We are seeking your kind and immediate support in the matter of emergent issue, so as to save the Nation from spreading the deadly COVID 19- Corona Virus and to save the life of common people and 6 lakh postal employees and their families. 

       It is a known fact to all that isolation and social distancing is the need of the hour and is  much emphasised by both Central and State Governments and strick action is taken by announcing National Curfew and promulgating 144 throughout the Country. 

        But Contrary to that, the Postal Department has ordered this day to open all the 1,55,000 Post Offices throughout the Country, situated in every nook and Corner of the Country, in the name of 'essential service', when  the Department of which lost its relevancy for essentiality. 

      This Department  was once termed as essential service, when there are core services  like telegram, telephone , personal communication of  letters etc which  were the only mode of communication in the yester years. Now the situation has undergone a sea change , these services lost their relevancy in the high technological scenario and we are no longer in the front line and have almost become an non entity.

      Moreover, in the absence of any transport facility including Railways/State Transport , in the back ground of stoppage of all mail transmission , when ATM is provided with cash in every nook and corner  and even in Post offices  , there is no need to open any Post Office and there is no essentiality in service. 

If any Post office is opened and inviting the crowd , instead of extending any service to the public, it will make disorder to the curfew promulgated and leading to wide spread of Corona, throughout the Country even in a single day, because of its largest 1,55,000 offices network. Simply saying , all Post offices would be made in to hubs for Corona spread. 

     Further, even in Head Post Offices, while we are serving, no required  declared preventive and safety measures adhered by the Department and their approach is with scant regards to the Govts's directives. 

        For any official working,  in the a absence of public transport , no alternate arrangements are made  for pick up and drop. 

       Further in any office opened , thermal scanner checking facility should be arranged by the Department at the entrance and each and every public entering into the office should be scanned , but it failed. 

      Customers should be provided with hand wash and water facility at the entrance, and it is not made anywhere  

       Working staff even for any emergent needs should be provided with face mask, hand gloves to deal with the public and to handle with cash. But nothing is provided. 

Post office area should be sanitised atleast once in a day with power sprayers, but there is no symptoms of observing this anywhere. 

    without these safe guards administration is exerting pressure, calling for duty and public are allowed to gather  in large number against PM's call and against 144 order. 

     Now the 1,55,000 Post Offices,  more than one lakh Postmen/more than 2.65 lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks working door to door in all Urban/rural are  made as the brand ambassador for COVID 19 spread. 

        This is the situation prevailing and the officers who are sitting in A/C rooms, unmindful of the reality and concerns of the Staff , issuing orders on hour to hour basis, which is against National interest, public interest, staff interest and totally against PM's call. 

        Hence, having no other go, we are bringing this serious matter to your kind notice, with the hope this would be taken up with the PMO,  Communication Minister and all other appropriate level possible, so as to issue suitable order to close all the Post offices and to save the Nation and precious lives of common public/working staff. 

The entire  postal community will ever grateful for the gesture. 

Thanking you Sir, 

With profound regards,

Ex All Inda President/
Ex State Secretary, TN, 
All India Postal Employees Union, Gr C.(NFPE).


Author: verified_user