Subject: Patch Deployment in Finacle
Dear SPOCs,
The following CBS functionality patches are deployed in production in this week, the details are shared below for further intimation to field units.
1. SMS Alerts for change in CIF ID in CMRC Menu:
a. SMS will be sent to old and New Mobile numbers if the mobile number is changed in CMRC.
b. For mobile number addition in CMRC SMS will be sent to the newly added mobile number.
2. Correction of error message in PPF Loan Account Opening:
Displaying correct error message "LPPF account can be opened between 3rd and 5th FY of PPF account. Please select such account' during PPF loan account opening instead of current error message.
3. MIS Reports :
Last Balance report (SBA/TDA) reports are made available for SU users in MIS.
4. Error Message in CMRC for suspension functionality:
Proper error message "Active accounts are linked to the CIF. Hence cannot be suspended" during CMRC Suspend functionality if active accounts are linked with the CIF ID.
5. Agent commission Report:
Patch for fine-tuning Agent Commission Report to display records based on transaction SOL ID instead of SOL ID to which agent is attached.
Thanks & regards,