Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Author: PostalBlog verified_user
Request to remove report restriction in DOP Finacle || 5 Reports per 60 Minutes Creating new Stress during COVID19 outbreak It is repeatedly requesting through Postal Blog
AISBCEU CHQ Letter to Directorate : Request to intervene in the Finacle & MIS server slow process in report generation. Hats off to the AISBCEU Union for speedy action. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||
How to Tally Accounts if HFINRPT is Disabled (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogl
Directorate Instructions Regarding HISCOD in Finacle on 30.03.2019 All the Post ofices should complete day to day
Practical Difficulties faced in Finacle. Why the Unions are so silent in this issue? Friends, Nowdays, the Finacle Reports has bee
Merger of multiple CIFs of Customers in Finacle Merger of multiple CIFs of Customers in Finacle
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