Subject: Regarding delivery of SMSs to the POSB customers
Dear NAU Team,
With reference to the above mentioned subject, it is to intimate that the data containing the contact details of the customers having magnetic stripe based cards has been shared with NIC on 28.01.2020 for sending them the following message:-
“Dear Customer,
Your existing magnetic DoP ATM card will be blocked by 29th February, 2020. Please visit your home branch post office to replace it with EMV Chip enabled ATM card for enhanced security”.
Note:- The deadline of blocking Magnetic Stripe based ATM cards has been extended till 29.02.2020.
This is for your information.
With regards,
With regards,
Puneet Bijaraniya
Asst. Director General (FS-II)
Financial Services Division
Room No 344, Dak Bhawan
New Delhi -110001
Ph No: 011-23096105