Tuesday 8 October 2019

Finance Minister cleared our bonus file today Bonus 60 days ceiling 7000. Order will be issued soon

Finance Minister cleared our bonus file today Bonus 60 days ceiling 7000. Department of posts sent the file to the Election commission.Subject to seeking permission due to Assembly Elections Orders will be issued very soon.

Image result for bonus

Today contacted Directorate in connection of speedy payment of Bonus to the employee. The Bonus File is got cleared from MOF. Now the Directorate is in stage to clear it from the Election Commission as there's Election in Maharashtra and Haryana States.  We are trying to get it to be done at priority level. Hope it would be cleared immediately.

60 day Bonus

While in constantly in touch to Directorate New Delhi today.

It is revealed that MOF directed orally our department to obtain permission from Election Commission. This is nothing but one formalities. Today letter submitted to E. C. and it is expected that the Bonus Payment Order would be issued latest on upcomming 9th or 10th October by the Directorate. I am in constantly in touch to the Directorate till now.

T. N. Rahate 

Author: verified_user