Monday, 30 September 2019

Various Queries of Central government Employees and Their Replies

7th CPC Latest Updates Today – Comments and Replies

7th Pay Commission Latest News Today

7th Pay Commission Latest News Today 2019 – Comments and Replies on Various Service Matters

Question: Ramajilal

I retired from post office and getting fixed medical allowance Rs.1000 month, am I authorized to get CGHS card for getting in patient treatment, and can it be reimbursed. I have not given CGHS card. How it can be made, if CGHS card made than my fixed medical allowance for day today medical expenses Will stopped or it will be continued, please comment

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Ramajilal.

FMA stopped then you can be issued CGHS card. at once and avail the in-patent treatment. If it is earlier in-patent treatment you have to get the certificate from AMA. If he gives certificate then only reimbursable.

Question: S.Muraleedharan

Sir, I’m a KVS pensioner. Date of Retirement: 01-07-2002 ( VRS). V th CPC basic pay: Rs. 11000/- ( scale: : 7500-250-12000). Corresponding pay band: Rs. 15600- 39000 (PB – II ) Grade Pay: Rs. 5400. Original pension ( V CPC) Rs. 5413. Revised pension ( VI CPC) Rs. 12235. Please fix my notional pension ( VII CPC).

Reply: M.K.Kumar to S.Muraleedharan

As per your last basic pay 11000/- it is from 1/1/2016 as Rs. 33,000/-, as per your grade pay was given as Rs. 4800 not Rs. 5400. Further to inform you that your 6th CPC Pension your last basic pay may be Rs. 10500 if it is now revised Pension is Rs. 32,0500/- only. Or your 6th Pension may wrong total pay above 24950 including GP 4800. It seems your pay was Rs. 24470, 50% Pension as mentioned Rs. 12,235/-. Check up with your pension book.

Question: Vijay

Sir, my current basic is 44900/- and I got promoted to level 7 from level 6. Date of implementation from 01.11.2017. kindly suggest me the total salary and basic pay hike for Class A city..

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Vijay

If it is promotion of designation changes no monitory.benift. From the 7th CPC no pay scales for the designated post. If it is a MACP upgradation on completion every 10 years withiout any pay fixation than only the matrix level changes from the next year i.e 11/21/31 year if not got pay fixationi between that 10 years.

Question: Bijay Kumar Prasad

Sir, now I m pay level 1 as basic 24900 my appt date is 01 Dec 09 my 1st macp is due on 01 Dec 2019 what is my next pay level nd basic

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Bijay Kumar Prasad

Froom 1-12-2019 as Rs. 25600 advance increment on 1st MACP upgradudation of basic pay. No increment on 1-7-2020 and from 1-7-2021 as Rs. 26000/- in matrix level 2.

Question: Prashant Gavaniya

My Promotion date is 12/3/2016. Salery as on 11/3/2016 is 27900 (level 4/2400 gp). Now I have got promotion in level 6 (4200 gp). My increment date is 1st July. Which option is best for me?

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Prashant Gavaniya

As per your promotion date option date is over, now you can’t opt. If your promotion was given from that date it will given GP 4200 of 7th CPC matrix level 5 with the condition if you have not got earlier of 10 years from your joining duty otherwise you are not eligible GP 4200, you will be in GP 2400 in level 5 only with your designation changes higher (in the 7th CPC promotions as pay benefits if you have not got promoted earlier within 10 years). Upgradration on completion of every 10th year as MACP pay fixation will change to next matrix level.

Question: Manpreet

My date of joining is 02/05/2008 and macp-1 due on 02/05/2018, basic pay currently 36400/- , grade pay 2400, what option shud i choose for my pay fixation…date of next incrememt or date of promotion ???? Where will be more benefit to me ????

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Manpreet

Choose joining date i.e. from 2-5-2018 as completed service of 10 years if you have not got any promotions so you will be befitted 60 days ahead you advance increment is getting earlier otherwise it will be from 1-7-2018 onwards.

Question: Abhilasha Singh

My BP is 62200 now in level 7 (4600).  i have to got macp from 30/08/2018
On 30 August 2018 my BP was 60400. what would b my new BP?

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Mr.Abhilasha Singh

It’s seems after your increment as on 1-7-1918 of Rs.60,400/- in matrix level 6 to 7 as on MACP upgradrations from 30-8-18 as advance increment of Rs.62,200/-, so you will not get increment on 1-7-19 and your basic pay will get in matrix level 7 in pay of RS.64,100/- from 1-7-20 as higher level increment.
It’s seems after your increment as on 1-7-1918 of Rs. 60,400/- in matrix level 6 to 7 as on MACP upgradrations from 30-8-18 as advance increment of Rs.62,200/-, so you will not get increment on 1-7-19 and your basic pay will get in matrix level 7 in pay of RS.64,100/- from 1-7-20 as higher level increment.

Question: B.Penchalaiah

Sir, I was appointed as Inspector in CBIC on 04.05.1974. Got my first promotion on 26.08.1991. As per ACP orders I got my Pay
notionally of Assistantt Commissioner Cadrewef 09.08.98. I got my actual promotion to the cadre of Assistant Commissioner on 10.01.2007 which involves discharge higher responsibility interns of GO dt. 01.07.1997.
My question is….Am I not eligible for one minimum increment under the concept of higher Pay for higher responsibility? I got my further benefit under MACP wef 01.09.2008.

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Mr..B.Penchilah

No. Since the grade was not changed. If grade pay changes basic’ pay plus GP added to 3% as new basic pay. Have you got 3rd MACP upgradrations on completion of 30 years service ?

Question: Geetha


Reply: M.K.Kumar to Geetha

Nobody will get increment on JANUARY, 20 & no promotional pay benefits. Only pay benefits through MACP on completion of every 10 th year as upgradration of pay fixations in the 7th CPC onwards.

Question: Imran Siddiq sheikh

My 1.1.2016 basic 7th pay 23800. And time bound promotion grade pay is 2400 time bound promotion date 19.03.2019 plz calulte my new basic pay

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Imran Siddiq sheikh

No promotional benefits in 7th CPC & no pay fixations. Only MACP on completion of every 10th year as upgradration of pay fixations.

Question: Pradeep marathe

Respected sir, I got pramoted to level 7 (4600) from level 6 (4200)
Through MACP. from 28.01.2018. On 28.01.2018 my basic was 47600.
Could u provide me information about my basic fixation ,what it will be .on 01.082019 and what increment date should i choose 1 jan or 01 july.

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Pradeep marathe

Your pay as 1-7-18 as Rs. 49000 as level 6 (4200) & 1-7-18 as 50,500 in level 7 (4600). Increment in July only.

Question: Tarun Khanna

If I got first financial benefit under MACP, in G.P. 2000 and presently my basic pay is Rs.33,000. Now I have been promoted in the G.P. 2400 from July 2019. what pay will be fixed on my date of promotion.

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Tarun Khanna

There’s no pay benefits in promotions from 7th CPC. Only your Designation changes higher.

Question: Sanjay Kumar

Respect Sir, my basic pay & grade pay as on 31/12/15 is 9820 & 2400. I got promoted on 05 June 2016 through LDCE as SI/GD in Level 6. I opted to fix my pay on DNI I. e. 01 July 2016. My department has refused to fix my pay on 01/07/2016 with reference that ” as per ccs(rp) rule 2016 clarification 1 of Rule 5, I am not eligible for the second option. And my pay fixed as per 1st option. And DNI declared on 1 Jan 17. We requested to fix my pay on 1st July 2016 with Grant of two increment (one promotional and 2nd annual) and change my grade pay from 2400 to 4200.
Kly clear that
1. second option is applicable to me ?
If not then fix my pay as per above information. With rule.

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Sanjay Kumar

This is inform you that option time is over. Further GP 2400 after 2800 not mentioned as 4200. There’s no pay scales from the 6th CPC for the promotional posts. Only through MACP upgradrations from 10/20/30 years in basic pay of matrix level. changes in the 7th CPC from 1-1-2016.

Question: Harshad Kumar

Sir I I got pramotion on 10.06.19 in level 10 from my level 08. At the time of pramotion my basic pay was 53600. My increment date is July 01.Kindly guide best option for pay fixation

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Harshad Kumar

From the 7th CPC no monitory benefits in promotions only designation changes higher. If not got any promotions after the completion of every 10th year upgradrations of basic pay as. MACP in next matrix level from the 11th year.

Question: Irfan Mohammad

Sir my basic pay is 32300 as level 4 and annually increment was credited in Jul. I was promoted on 20 Dec 18 as level 5. What will be better option fixation of pay from next inrement or date of promotion. Please help me sir.

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Irfan Mohammad

From the 7th CPC in the Promotions no monitory benefits, only designation changes higher. Completion of .10 years without any Promotions they will be given MACP as upgradrations of basic pay in next matrix level in the 11th year onwards.

Question: Irfan mohammad

Sir, then what should I choose in option form Pay fix from date of promotion 20 Dec 18 Or Pay fix from date of next increments 01 Jan 19 / 01 Jul 2019… Please guide us

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Irfan Mohammad

No option for Promotions. As usual increment on 1/7/19 in same Matrix Level.

Question: Ashok

Sir my current basic pay is 58600 rs & MACP is due on 20/04/2020.
presently my pay level 7. My Next pay is what and next increment due date please mention sir?

Reply: M.K.Kumar to Ashok

If Your basic pay as 1/7/19 as Rs. 58,600, at MACP from 20/4/20 (give option) is given as advance increment of Rs. 60,400 in level 7 and no increment on 1/7/1920. Next DNI on 1/7/21 as Rs. 62,200/- in level 8.

Author: verified_user