How Railway Productivity Linked Bonus for Railway Employees is Calculated ?
How much Productivity Linked Bonus for 2018-19 will a Railway Employee Receive?
In the year 2016, Govt increased the Wage ceiling for calculating Productivity Linked Bonus and Non-productivity linked bonus (ad-hoc bonus) for central government Employees from Rs. 3500 to Rs. 7000/-. Here is a rough calculation for Bonus for the year 2018-19 for Railway Employees.
No of days approved for calculation of PLB for 2018-19 = 78 days
Maximum Monthly emoluments (wages) for calculation of PLB for 2018-19 = Rs. 7000/-
On implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations minimum wages for Railway Employees and Central Government Employees has been fixed at Rs. 18,000 per month.
Therefore, all the non-gazetted Railway Employees would be entitled to get productivity linked bonus calculated at the maximum wages ceiling of Rs. 7000 per month.
Hence, a non-gazetted Railway Employee who is otherwise eligible for 78 days of PLB for 2018-19 will receive a bonus of Rs 17,951/- (Rs. 7000 x12 / 365 * 78)