Friday, 20 September 2019

78 Days Bonus For Railway Employees Approved For The Year 2018-19


Railways Productivity Linked Bonus for the year 2018-19 approved by Cabinet – Wage Ceiling for Calculation of Railway Productivity Linked Bonus will be Rs. 7000/- All Non-Gazetted Railway Employees will benefit

How Railway Productivity Linked Bonus for Railway Employees is Calculated ?

  • Bonus is paid to all non Gazetted Railway employees.
  • For calculating PLB of Railway staff 1977 is taken as the base year with index for the year taken as 100.
  • Bonus for  1977 is taken as 25 days and any excess or decrease over it by each 2250 million net Tonne Km of Revenue earning Traffic will increase or decrease Amount of bonus by a day.
  • The sum is calculated as if wages are Rs.7000.
  • The amount arrived at is divided by the number of employees
  • If index of production falls below 90, no bonus shall be paid for the year.
  • For running staff pay includes Pay element of Running Allowance.

How much Productivity Linked Bonus for 2018-19 will a Railway Employee Receive?

In the year 2016, Govt increased the Wage ceiling for calculating Productivity Linked Bonus and Non-productivity linked bonus (ad-hoc bonus) for central government Employees from Rs. 3500 to Rs. 7000/-.  Here is a rough calculation for Bonus for the year 2018-19 for Railway Employees.
No of days approved for calculation of PLB for 2018-19 = 78 days
Maximum Monthly emoluments (wages) for calculation of PLB for 2018-19 = Rs. 7000/-
On implementation of 7th Pay Commission recommendations minimum wages for Railway Employees and Central Government Employees has been fixed at Rs. 18,000 per month.
Therefore, all the non-gazetted Railway Employees would be entitled to get productivity linked bonus calculated at the maximum wages ceiling of Rs. 7000 per month.
Hence, a non-gazetted Railway Employee who is otherwise eligible for 78 days of PLB for 2018-19 will receive a bonus of Rs 17,951/- (Rs. 7000 x12 / 365 * 78)

Author: verified_user