Wednesday, 14 August 2019

आधार की फीस अब केवल POS में ही डालें ! पढ़ें निर्देश।

Attention to All For Accounting of  Aadhaar Updation Fees

Respected Sir,

In Connection with this office letter No Techno/21-17/UIDAI/Technical Issue/2018 dated 01.07.2019 it is instructed to use Voucher Posting(F-02) Option till necessary correction is made in POS.

 Now Necessary correction has been  done in POS by CEPT.

 Therefore you are here by directed to ask all Aadhaar centres to  discontinued voucher Posting in SAP book Aadhaar Updation fees in POS only for proper accounting of Aadhaar updation Fees.

Pos--> Misselenious services - - > other receipts - - > aadhar updation fee


Author: verified_user