(in Number)
Month | Mumbai | Kolkata | Chennai | Delhi | Total |
April | 117024 | 3777 | 9154 | 84097 | 214052 |
May | 116401 | 4547 | 9355 | 88963 | 219266 |
June | 110253 | 3831 | 9494 | 86604 | 210182 |
July | 111657 | 4471 | 9746 | 94256 | 220130 |
August | 117796 | 6084 | 10232 | 101002 | 235114 |
September | 108953 | 4574 | 9316 | 90022 | 212865 |
October | 108027 | 4000 | 10962 | 89617 | 212606 |
November | 98494 | 4683 | 10632 | 73723 | 187532 |
December | 105313 | 5132 | 9900 | 75940 | 196285 |
January | 104885 | 6003 | 10044 | 69552 | 190484 |
February | 100183 | 5515 | 9912 | 75457 | 191067 |
March | 72663 | 3565 | 7433 | 50372 | 134033 |
TOTAL | 1271649 | 56182 | 116180 | 979605 | 2423616 |
Source : DAA (Dak Air Account) Section
Note: The list of countries covered under International Speed Post Service is at Appendix-III.
Analysis: Out of total outward international speed post during 2015-16, 40.4% were sent from Delhi and 52.5% from Mumbai. Only, 2.3% and 4.8% of the total outward international speed post were sent from Kolkata and Chennai respectiverly.