Saturday, 13 April 2019

Internship with the Department of Posts


Government of India
Department of Posts
Business Development Directorate
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi —110001
Tel: 011 23096 110, 23096129

Internship with the Department of Posts

The Department of Posts with its vast network of 1.54.939 Post Offices is the largest postal network in the world and is in the business of providing mail. parcel. logistics. retail and financial services across the nation. Department intends to offer internships at New Delhi only to the students pursuing Under Graduate/Graduate/Post Graduate studies from recognized University/Institution within India. Internship will be offered in the areas of Marketing. Parcel & Logistics. eCommerce. Retail Management. Asset Management. Insurance & Actuaries. Banking & Financial Inclusion. Fund Management. HR Management. Network & Technology etc. Internship period will be of one month and will tentatively start w.e.f. 15.05.2019. Detailed guidelines and application form in this regard may be downloaded from and filled in application forms may be sent latest by 28.04.2019 to Deputy General Manager. BD & M Directorate. Dak Bhawan. Sansad Marg. New Delhi - 110001. Alternatively. scanned copies of the documents may be sent to Applications received before issuance of this notification or after due date will not be considered.

Internship with the Department of Posts

Author: verified_user