Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Post
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
12-6/2018-BPR/2310 Dated: 11.03.2019
Kindly refer to your letter no 15-03/2018-PD dated 08-03-2019 regarding above mentioned subject.
In this regard it is intimated that for e-Commerce registered customer any kind of refund which is to be initiated against damaged or lost of the article the procedure as mentioned in accounting procedure (vide letter no 3-2/2016-17/PA (Tech-II)/D-333-334 dated 31-10-2016) can be followed. As confirmed that there is no booking from CSI offices, the procedure in totality may be followed for the refund. The refund is to be given by deduct the respective revenue head against which the booking made. For example, if the article is lost on account of Speed Post booking, the same may be refund from the given head under accounting procedure.
For non registered COD customers: Since these refunds are pertaining to older items and money cannot be paid from the revenue earned for previous year after closing of the Financial Year. So the money to be paid by existing revenue- current year. There is no budgetary provision made for this type of compensation. The procedure will be revised from the next Financial Year.
In the meantime the refund may be initiated from the revenue head from deduct head of the revenue item under Speed Post, Express Parcel, Business Parcel.
Speed Post Deduct head- 1201.
For Express Parcel & Business Parcel Refund from Deduct Misc. refund- 1201.00.800.44.00.00
For Non COD customers:
These transactions shall be treated as cancel transactions from the respective BD products.
These may be accounted from the cancellation of the premium product and deduction will be from the deduct head of Speed Post, Express Parcel, Business Parcel.
Parcel Directorate is requested to. issue instructions to circles and PAO for identifying the correct number of misplace article and other details of the customer and initiate the process of refund. PAOs may be instructed to accounting from the same in the current Financial year preferably by Supplementary-J. The procedure may be different under CSI operations and new SAP is to be delivered based on SOP on the technology plateform