Saturday, 2 February 2019
Author: PostalBlog verified_user
IP LDCE Vacancies assessed as per RTI reply The vacancy ascertained from the reply received
AIGDSU CHQ Letter : Revision of line limits for conveyance of cash and consequent enhancement of security bond amount. AIGDSU CHQ Letter : Revision of line limit
AIGDSU Letter to DoP on- Non- Grant of Pension to such Gramin Dak Sevaks who were appointed to MTS or Postman Cadre on account of falling a bit short of the qualifying period of ten years. Non- Grant of Pension to such Gramin Dak Sevaks
Monitoring of the delivery of the articles addressed to officers of the Central Govt, State Govt etc,. in their official capacity Monitoring of the delivery of the articles addr
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Regarding GDS Employees deputed in IPPB as Territory officers problems. AIGDSU Letter to DoP- Regarding GDS Employees de
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