Pros and Cons of Postmaster cadre committee draft report recommendations.
Because of meagre promotional opportunities, acute stagnation and lack of competitive exams in PM cadre committee it was recommended to merge the PM cadre with General line as on date of LDCE result declaration or DPC promotion order.
Now let's list out the pros and cons of the draft report recommendations.
1. Most of the anomalies faced by the senior most opted PM cadre officials from LSG/HSG II/HSG cadre were redressed and their inter-se seniority was fixed than GL juniors.
2. Instead of 29 Sr.PM posts to PM III officials, committee take up the matter to give nearly 3000 HSG I NFG posts. Both are equal pay and all aged PM III senior officials can be posted within their native divisions without throwing at other circles if Sr.PM posts given.
3. Opted officials shall get HSG II /HSG I notional promotions after 3 years each according to the RR relaxation note.
4. All PM cadre officials can be retained in the same office if willing.
5. PS Group B exam chance is open.
6. All can get General Transfer and all promotions upto HSG I NFG within their same native divisions.
7. Because of retaining non operated 116 Sr.PM posts with PS Gr B establishment again Sr.PM posts shall be restored with old pay of Rs.5400/-
1. It was inadvertantly/accidentally omitted to recommend the same RR relaxation condition of 3 years to LDCE PM Grade officials too at par with opted officials.
2.If final report is implemented without correcting the same then junior LSG shall get HSG II promotion than merged PM Grade I senior officials.
For example if 2011 LDCE PM I is merged with LSG from 2011 there is no recommendation to promote them after 3 years. So those junior LSG officials of 2012, 2013 shall get HSG II after 3 years by 2015, 2016 respectively whereas 2011 PM merged with LSG though senior shall get HSG II after 2017.
3. No recommendation was found to retain the same 6% PS Gr B LDCE quota.
4. No recommendation was found to retain PM cadre officials in the PM Grade offices during further RTs if they willing to be worked as postmaster grade offices.
5. Modalities to complete Cadre restructuring of 116 Sr.PM posts was left.
1.If 3 years service relaxed service condition is extended LDCE PM cadre officials upto 2013(that means upto HSG II RR date) then most the PM cadre officials shall get HSG II and even HSG I. AIAPS will do the needful. It is very vital proposal of AIAPS and we cannot accept merge if this is not implemented.
2. For 2014 and 2015 batch PM Grade officials also their stagnation is eliminated and all shall get HSG II as per RR and seniority than Gr C CR officials. AIAPS shall take steps one by one and Committee also suggested to resolve the new issues one by one after merger.
3. PS Gr B restructure is on the way. So By adding Sr.PM posts and doing cadre restructure of PS Gr B posts we shall get nearly 50% more PS Gr B chances than we are having as of now.
Above all this is just draft report not final one. So In our final report submission to directorate, AIAPS shall take up all these points and any other comments/suggestions are also most welcomed to AIAPS email I'd gs.aiaps@gmail.com on or before 27.2.2019.
Picture of benefits of this merger proposal for the PM cadre officials from 2004 to 2015
1. From 2004 to 2010 batch LSG (FTP and DPC) line opted Postmaster Grade I officials shall get HSG I NFG with Rs.4800 grade pay immediately.
2. 2011 batch LSG (FTP or DPC) line opted officials shall get HSG I immediately from their PM Grade II posts.
3. 2011 batch LDCE PMs shall get HSG II promotion notionally on 2014 and HSG I immediately with two stepped up grade pay Rs.4600/-.
4. 2012 batch LDCE PMs shall get HSG II promotion notionally on 2015 and HSG I in the year 2020 with two stepped up grade pay Rs.4600/-.
5. 2013 batch LDCE PMs including special batch Kerala Postmasters shall get HSG II promotion notionally on 2016 and HSG I in the year 2021 with two stepped up higher grade pay Rs.4600/-.
6. 2014 batch LDCE PMs shall get HSG II on 2020 and HSG I in the year 2025 without any delay and stagnation. They can appear PS Gr B exams immediately.
7. 2015 batch LDCE PMs shall get HSG II on 2021 and HSG I in the year 2026 without any delay and stagnation. They can appear PS Gr B exams from the year 2020.
Besides that till such HSG II promotion they can be retained in Postmaster cadre offices if they are willing.
Now say who is not willing to get HSG I higher pay of Rs.4600 when with PM cadre we can get maximum pay of Rs.4200 only that too after 2 to 3 years of struggle and court cases.