The following persons are entitled to use service postage stamps on official postal articles sent by them provided the articles posted relate to the Government service /official duties/official business of that government/institution/particular body :-
(a) All Government officials, except those who are on leave, or have retired from the Service.
(b) The Vice-Chancellors and registrars of the Universities of Agra, Andhra, Allahabad, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Guwahati, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Lucknow, Madras, Meerut, Mysore, Nagpur, North Bengal, Punjab, Patna, Poona, Rajputana, Roorkee, Saugor, Travancore and of the Annamalai University at Annamalainagar, Banaras Hindu University, The Maharaja Sayajirao University, Muslim University, Aligarh, Visva Bharati, Sri Venkateswara University at Tirupati, Shreemati Nathibai Demodar Thackersey Women”s University at Bombay, Gujarat University, Utkal University at Cuttack, Bihar University, Kurukshetra University, Vikram University, Gorakhpur University and Sardar Valabbhai Vidyapeeth.
(c) The President of the District Educational Councils in the State of Tamilnadu and their Secretaries. (d) The Astronomer in-charge of the G.V. Juggarao Observatory, Vizagapatnam.
(e) The Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Hospital for Mental Diseases at Ranchi and the Superintendent of the said Hospital.
(f) The Secretary of the Indian Central Cotton Committee and Officer-in-charge of the various research and other schemes conducted from funds placed at their disposal by the Indian Central Cotton Committee.
(g) The Commissioner of Waqfs in the Muzaffarnagar District of the Uttar Pradesh and Commissioner of Waqfs, West Bengal.
(h) The President-Secretary of the Assam Sanskrit Board.
(i) The Secretaries of Bombay and Bengal Boards of Film Censors.
(j) The Director of Agriculture in the State of Bombay and officers-in-charge of the various research and other schemes conducted under supervision of the Director of Agriculture from funds placed at his disposal by the Trustees of the Sir Sasoon David Trust fund, provided that the articles posted by them relate solely to the public business of the scheme and also the Chairman of the Board of the Sir Sasoon David Trust Fund, Bombay.
(k) The Chairman, Bar Council Madras. (l) The Executive Officer, Post Haj Committee, Calcutta, and the Secretary, Port Haj Committee, Bombay.
(m) The Secretary, Indian Council of Agricultural research. (n) The Deputy Collector of Salt Revenue, Bombay.
(o) The Controller of Emigrant Labour.
(p) The Backward Class Officer, Maharashtra State.
(q) The Secretary of the Indian Central Jute Committee.
(r) The Secretary, Medical Council of India.
(s) The Chairman and the Secretary of the Coal Board.
(t) The Director and the Secretary of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
(u) The Secretaries of India, State and District Sailors’, Soldiers’, and Airmen’s Boards in India.
(v) The Chairman and the secretary of the Coffee Board, the Chief Coffee Marketing Officer and Director of Propaganda, the Deputy Chief Coffee Marketing Officers-incharge of the various sub-offices of the Board, the Director of Research, Superintendent Coffee research, Sub-station, the senior Liaison Officers and Junior Liaison Officers of the research Department.
(w) The Chairman and the Secretary of the Gujrat, West Bengal, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Punjab, Haryana, Bombay, Bihar, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Boards and Officers-in-charge of Power Houses and other administrative offices under the control of the said Boards.
(x) The Secretary, Damodar Valley Corporation.
(y) The Secretary, Dental Council of India.
(z) The Secretary, Indian Central Arecanut Committee.
(aa)The Coal Mines Provident Fund Commissioner.
(bb) The Secretary, the Cotton Textile Fund Committee, Bombay.
(cc)The Secretary, Indian Central Coconut Committee, Ernakulam.
(dd) Deleted.
(ee)Persons who are entitled by Rules made under Section 60 of the Respresentation of the People Act, 1951 (XLII of 1951) or public servants who are entitled by Rules made under clause (d) of sub-section (2) of section 169 of the said Act, to give their votes by Postal Ballot, provided that the articles posted by them relate solely to the giving of such vote. EXPLANATION : Every such postal ballot shall be deemed to be an official postal article for the purpose of this rule.
(ff) The Director, Central Coconut Research Station, Kasargod and Joint Director, Central Coconut research Station, Kayangulam.
(gg) The Secretary, the Indian Central Oilseeds Committee.
(hh) The Secretary, Central Council of Gosamvardhana.
(ii) The President, Board of Secondary Education, West Bengal.
(jj) The Secretary, Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Ajmer, Bhopal and Vindhiya Pradesh and the Secretary, Board of Secondary Education, Orissa.
(kk) The Secretary, the State Primary Education Board, Assam.
(ll) Arbitrators appointed under the specific orders of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies in Tamilnadu State to attend to arbitration work connected therewith.
(mm)The Central Provident Fund Commissioner and all Regional Provident Fund Commissioners in India and the Provident Fund Inspector at Kutch appointed under the Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme 1952.
(nn) University Grants Commission.
(oo) District Councils of the autonomous districts of Assam constituted by the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India, including the Pawi-Laher Regional Council in the Mizo autonomous district of Assam.
(pp) The Secretary, the Indian Council of Medical Research.
(qq) The chairman, Secretary, Rubber Production Commissioner, Junior Field Officers and Rubber Instructors of the Rubber Board.
(rr) The Chief Administrator and the Chairman of the Rehabilitation Finance Administration and the officers-in-charge at Calcutta, Guwahati, Lucknow and Bombay.
(ss) Officers of the Neyveli Lignite Corporation (Private) Limited at Madras and its Field Officers at Neyveli in the south Arcot District of Madras.
(tt) The General Manager, Bihar State Road Corporation, Bombay State Road Corporation, or Saurashtra State Road Corporation.
(uu) The Director and the Registrar of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Madras and Bombay. (vv) The Chairman and Secretary of the Central Silk Board.
(ww)The Chairman and Administrative Officers of the West Bengal Development Corporation.
(xx) The Secretary, National Book Trust of India (Bharatiya Granth Prakashan).
(yy) The chairman and Secretary of the Bombay Housing Board.
(zz)The Administrator and the Chairman of the Territorial Council in the Union Territory of Himachal Pradesh, Manipur and Tripura and officers-in-charge of other administrative offices under the control of the said Council.
(aaa) Secretary, Central Board for Worker’s Education, Nagpur and Administrative Officers of Regional Offices of the said Board.
(bbb)Secretary, Oil and Natural Gas Commission, Dehradun.
(ccc) State Khadi and Village Industries Board, Madras. (ddd)The Director of the Indian school of Mines, Dhanbad.