Sunday 2 December 2018

Major issues after Darpan CSI Roll out

Hi friends,
Now a days , many BOs are going to be online  and migrating over CSI platform. And besides this, we are facing many issues day by day.
There are basically three major issues after CSI Roll out

1.  Device is not prepared for Roll out
           This error is almost faced by all BOs while doing day begin in Demobooking app for first time.
        For doing day begin we need to extract master data from central sever and the same is extracted and be available in local database in CSV format but due to technical issue at severside or connectivity issue , the same can not be synchronized with central server and this causes error.
The only solution for this is to check network status of device and to confirm that there is no issue at server side

2. Inventory data is pending
        After CSI Roll out, device need to load inventory data from central server to local server. And as mentioned in error no 1, if there is network issue or server side issue then inventory data won't be available in device even after successful data extraction in demoapp.
  The only remedy for this issue is wait and watch till network is established or server response becomes wealthy
It is also to note that, in every device the first error will be "data not present for Roll out" and after resolution of this error the second error will be "inventory data is pending" , means if you are getting second error then it's last one. After resolution of this error, day begin wll happen smoothly.
3.  No data found while opening Bag 
     This issue is also noticed in many BOs, even after closing bag properly at So and after generation of BO slip, BPM is not able to open bag and have to fave error "no data found" 
     Now let's see why this happens ? When So closes bag for any BO the data is saved in central server and individual message file is generated for each bag. Until message is generated, bag can not be opened. 

Now question arise how to check status of these articles.. there is provision in SAP to check status of BO file report 
Search result for DARPAN

Using this option , we can see whether the message for particular bag is generated or not. If it's generated then BPM will be able to open bag smoothly.

The above all content is my own views , any changes in this regards may please be communicated through comments section of this post so that other employees can be educated little deeply.

SOURCE :- techno stuff


Author: verified_user