Tuesday, 4 December 2018

High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO

Any withdrawal ₹5000 and above at BO, should get an approval from the accounting office.

This process used to be done manually but after RICT, it is done online. A BPM should raise a request in RICT device in case if the withdrawal of ₹5000 or above. This will generate a Request ID. The request ID should be written on SB7(withdrawal voucher) and it should be sent to the accounting office along with the passbook.
Let’s see the procedure.
Invoke the menu EXCW in the supervisor login. The following image will appear.
High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO
Enter the following details,
Account NumberAccount number
High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO
Now, click on Search icon in Request ID field. The following window will appear.
High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO
Here, you can check the Request IdDate and Amount.
Now, select that row so that the Request Id gets fetched.
High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO
Now, click on Go. You should see the following screen.
High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO
Now click on the Human Icon or F9 to verify the signature and select the following options,
Reject reasonSlect the appropriate reason for rejection.
Click on Submit. It should show a success window as shown below.
High Value Withdrawal Approval for BO


Author: verified_user