Dear Supervisors and Postal Assistants....
1.You may well aware about my previous articles related to Group 'C' cadre restructure of DOP. Now department had circulated one more clarification on 05.12.2018 regarding Group C cadre restructure. It is definitely a huge set back to all the Postal Assistants, LSG/HSG II/HSG I officers.
2. A detailed article is produced below along with directorate letter dated 05.12.2018 for the information of all and necessary further action too.
3. After thorough discussions with staff side by Shri.Charles lobo committee, department had clarified on 10.11.2017 that to maintain the uniformity at all circles in completing the Cadre restructure order dated 27.5.2016, when ever, LSG/HSG II/HSG I promotion given belatedly due to administrative delay at various circles, date of effect of such promotion is accorded retrospectively as on date of cadre restructure order i.e., 27.05.2016 instead of actual date of joining in those supervisory posts.
4. Now without consulting staff side, department had turned their stand dated 10.11.2017 and given date of effect of promotion is as on date of actual date of joining i promotional post. Without consulting department side, now 2 years and more seniority was lost to all officials, it may reflect all along the journey of the officials for their further HSG II/HSG I/HSG I (NFG) promotions and while applying for PS Group B posts.
5. One more big blow is department had tried vigorously to fill up all newly created supervisory posts, by relaxing the service conditions once due to acute shortage prevailing in Supervisory posts and after PA posts are upgraded as Supervisory posts those PA posts also would have not been filled up through direct recruitment/LGO promotion.
6. Now that stand also turned and communicated vide below directorate order that here after till filling up such supervisory posts with regular incumbents, that posts would have been treated as PA posts only. So all such vacant posts will be manned by PAs till filling up by promotion and there would be no pressure to fillup all such promotional posts in near future.
7. If it will be treated as Postal Assistant posts and managed by PAs again till filling up of regular incumbents then what is the purpose of doing cadre restructure???
8. Instead of making propaganda by staff side that now shortage will be filled by PAs, staff side should press the department to complete the cadre restructure of all cadres and further one time relaxation service condition promotion upto HSG I posts so that exact purpose of cadre restructure will be served and PA posts also filled in meaningful manner.
9. Or else Cadre restructure order dated 27.05.2016 may become meaningless to complete in near future and hard earned retrospective seniority and further chances of PS Group B exams, HSG II/HSG I promotions within 2 or 3 years will also be lost. So what is our next move????
K. Kalimuthu,
General Secretary,
All India Association of Postal Supervisors (GL)
CHQ, New Delhi
Camp at Chennai,
Directorate clarification order dated 05.12.2018

Directorate clarification order dated 10.11.2017 is also attached below.