O.M No.S-11013/2/94-CGHS(P),
dated 30.8.1994
O.M No.S-11013/2/94-CGHS(P),
dated 30.8.1994
Reimbursement of Claims relating to Medicines prescribed outside the CGHS Formulary procedure from Chemists
In suppression of this Ministry’s Office Memoranda of even number, dated 2137.1994 and 16.831994 (not printed) on the subject noted above, the undersigned is directed to state that it has now been decided to maintain status quo ante in respect of procurement/issue of non-formulary medicines prescribed by Specialists and reimbursement of expenditure involved therein. In other words, instead of CGHS beneficiaries procuring any non-formulary medicines prescribed by Specialists from any local Chemist and then claiming reimbursements from the concerned service heads of their departments/offices or CGHS or RajyaSabha / LokSabha Secretariat, the concerned medicines would be procured by the CGHS dispensary from its approved Chemist and supplied to the beneficiaries as in the past. In sum, the procedure in this behalf that was being followed before the issuance of aforesaid two Office Memoranda, dated 21.7.1994 and 16.8.1994, would be restored till further orders.
2. s regards the beneficiaries who have already purchased the concerned medicines as per Office Memorandum, dated 21.7.1994 and 16.8.1994 and claimed the reimbursement, the cases need not be reopened.
3. This order will come into force immediately.