CCS (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 - Government of India’s Decisions
1 Short title,commencement and application. –
(1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (4), these rules shall apply to all persons –
(i) who are appointed to civil services and posts including civilian Government servants in the Defence Services in connection with the affairs of the Union;
(ii) who are employed under a State Government and who are on deputation with the Central Government;
(iii) who are appointed on contract basis; and
(iv) who are re-employed after their retirement.
(4) These rules shall not apply to –
(a) Government servants not in whole-time employment;
(b) persons in casual and daily rated employment;
(c) persons paid from contingencies;
(d) Railway servants;
(e) members of the Armed Forces;
(f) local recruits in Indian Missions abroad; and
(g) persons eligible to any other form of travel concession available during leave or otherwise.
2.Special provisions regarding certain categories of employees –
(1) In the case of persons belonging to categories mentioned in clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) of sub-rule (3) of Rule 1, the leave travel concessions shall be admissible on completion of one year’s continuous service under the Central Government and provided that it is certified by the appropriate administrative authority that the employee concerned is likely to continue to serve under the Central Government for a period of at least two years in the case of Leave Travel Concession to hometown and at least four years in the case of leave travel concession to any place in India to be reckoned from the date of his joining the post under the Central Government.
(2) In the case of officers appointed on contract basis, where the initial contract is for one year but is later extended, the total duration of the contract will be taken into account for the purpose of leave travel concession.
(3) In the case of persons re-employed, immediately after retirement without any break, the period of re-employed service will be treated as continuous with the previous service for the purpose of leave travel concession and the concession allowed for the re-employed period, provided that the leave travel concession would have been admissible to the re-employed officer had he not retired but had continued as serving officer.
Illustration:- If an officer has availed of the concession to visit any place in India in respect of a block of four years before his retirement and he is re-employed without any break, he cannot avail this concession till the expiry of the particular block of four years.
3. Scope – The leave travel concession will cover the Government servant himself and his family.
4. Definitions.- In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -
(a) "a place in India" will cover any place within the territory of India, whether it is on the mainland India or overseas;
(b) "controlling officer" means an officer declared as such under Supplementary Rule 191;
(c) "Disciplinary Authority" shall have the same meaning as assigned in clause (g) of Rule 2 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965;
(d) "Family" means:-
(i) the Government servant’s wife or husband, as the case may be, and two surviving unmarried children or step children wholly dependent on the Government servant, irrespective of whether they are residing with the Government servant or not;
(ii) married daughters who have been divorced, abandoned or separated from their husbands and widowed daughters and are residing with the Government servant and are wholly dependent on the Government servant;
(iii) parents and/or step mother residing with and wholly dependent on the Government servant;
(iv) unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried, divorced, abandoned, separated from their husbands or widowed sisters residing with and wholly dependent on the Government servant, provided their parents are either not alive or are themselves wholly dependent on the Government servant.
1. The restriction of the concession to only two surviving children or step children shall not be applicable in respect of ( i) those employees who already have more than two children prior to the coming into force of this restriction i.e. 20.10.1997; (ii) children born within one year of the coming into force of this restriction; (iii) where the number of children exceeds two as a result of second child birth resulting in multiple births.
2. Not more than one wife is included in the term "Family" for the purpose of these Rules. However, if a Government servant has two legally wedded wives and the second marriage is with the specific permission of the Government, the second wife shall also be included in the definition of "Family".
3. Though it is not necessary for the spouse and children to reside with the Government servant so as to be eligible for the Leave Travel Concession, the concession in their cases shall, however, be restricted to the actual distance traveled or the distance between the headquarters/place of posting of the Government servant and the hometown/place of visit, whichever is less.
4. Children of divorced, abandoned, separated from their husbands or widowed sisters are not included in the term "Family".
5. A member of the family whose income from all sources, including pension, temporary increase in pension but excluding dearness relief on pension or stipend etc. does not exceed Rs.1500 p.m. is deemed to be wholly dependent on the Government servant.
(e) "hometown" means the town, village or any other place declared as such by the Government servant and accepted by the controlling officer;
(f) "shortest direct route" shall have the same meaning as given in Supplementary Rule 30 and orders issued thereunder from time to time.
Govt. of India’s Decision
(1) LTC to a newly married husband of a female Government servant.
When a female Govt. servant proceeds to her hometown, availing of the Leave Travel Concession and gets married in the hometown, LTC may be allowed also to be husband of the female Govt. servant, for the journey performed by him from the hometown to the headquarters of the female Govt. servant.
[OM No. 48/2/65-Ests.(A), dated 2.4.1965]
(2) On the recommendations of Task Force, Govt. have decided that the existing LTC Scheme for Central Govt. servants as amended from time to time, shall be modified to the extent indicated below with immediate effect-
(i) Advance on account of LTC may be sanctioned by the Head of the Office instead of by the Controlling Officer.
(ii) Where the shortest route by which the journey is required to be performed is disrupted due to accidents or other causes, the power to grant reimbursement by the actual route traveled may be exercised by the Controlling Authority, instead of by the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) as at present.
(iv) ***
(v) ***
(vi) LTC to visit hometown in a block of two years and to any place in India once in four years will be allowed both ways during leave preparatory to retirement provided the return journey is completed before the expiry of the leave preparatory to retirement.
[ MHA OM No. 31011/1/77-Ests.(A) dated 1.10.1977]
(3) What is the scope of the expression "any place in India"?
The expression "any place in India" will cover any place within the territory of India whether it is on the mainland, or overseas. If there are any local restrictions on visits to places in border areas, it is the responsibility of the Govt. servant undertaking the visit to fulfil the conditions for visit to the places which are subject to local restrictions.
(4) Condition of "residing with" waived in respect of spouse and children.
It has been decided that in cases where the Government servant has left his/her spouse and the dependent children at place other than his/her Headquarters, he may be allowed LTC in respect of them from the place of their residence to hometown in a block of 2 years or any place in India in a block of 4 years, as the case may be, but the reimbursement should in no case exceed the actual distance traveled by the family or the distance between the headquarters/place of posting of Govt. servant and the place visited/hometown, whichever is less. In the case of other members falling within the definition of "family" the existing conditions and restrictions will continue to be in force.
[DOPT OM No. 31011/14/86-Est.(A), dated 8.5.1987]
5.Change of Hometown.-
The hometown once declared and accepted by the controlling officer shall be treated as final. In exceptional circumstances, the Head of the Department or if the Government servant himself is the Head of the Department, the Administrative Ministry, may authorise a change in such declaration provided that such a change shall not be made more than once during the service of a Government servant.
Govt. of India Decisions
(1) From time to time enquiries have been received as to how exactly the “home town” should be determined. The conditions of ownership of property and permanent residence of relatives laid down in para 1 (4) of this Ministry’s Office Memorandum of 11th October, 1956 are only illustrative and not exhaustive for determining one’s home town.The correct test to determine whether a place declared by a Government servant may be accepted as his hometown or not is to check whether it is the place where the Govt. servant would normally reside but for his absence from such a station for service under Government. The criteria mentioned below may, therefore, be applied to determine whether the Govt. servant’s declaration may be accepted-
(i) Whether the place declared by Government servant is the one which requires his physical presence at intervals for discharging various domestic and social obligations, and if so, whether after his entry into service, the Government servant had been visiting that place frequently.
(ii) Whether the Government servant owns residential property in that place or whether he is a member of a joint family having such property there.
(iii) Whether his near relations are resident in that place.
(iv) Whether, prior to his entry into Government service, the Government servant had been living there for some years.
NOTE.- The criteria, one after the other, need be applied only in cases where the immediately preceding criterion is not satisfied.
Where the Government servant or the family of which he is a member owns a residential or landed property in more than one place, it is left to the Government servant to make a choice giving reasons for the same, provided that the decision of the Controlling Officer whether or not to accept such place as the hometown of the Government servant shall be final.
Where the presence of near relations at a particular place is to be the determining criterion for the acceptance of declaration of ‘hometown’ the presence of near relations should be a more or less permanent nature.
2. It has been decided, in view of the comprehensive revised definition of “home town”, to give further opportunity to declare the home towns afresh within a time limit (i.e. by the 31st October, 1958) to all those who might be affected by the revised definition (e.g. whose earlier declarations were rejected but who would now become eligible to declare particular places as their hometowns, or who might like to have a change affected in the light of the revised criteria). Such fresh declaration after approval by the Controlling Officer will be treated as the “first declaration” and not as a change of declaration in terms of para 1 (4) of this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No.43/1/56-Estt. Part II, dated the 11th October, 1956.
3. Those Government servants who because of the revised definition now become eligible for the leave travel concession would, however, be eligible only for the concessions commencing from the one relating to the 1958-59 block.
(MHA OM No. 43/15/57-Ests. (A) dated 24.6.1958)
6. Declaration of place of visit under Leave Travel Concession to any place in India.-
When the concession to visit any place in India is proposed to be availed of by a Government servant or any member of the family of such Government servant, the intended place of visit shall be declared by the Government servant in advance to his controlling officer. The declared place of visit may be changed before the commencement of the journey with the approval of his controlling officer but it may not be changed after the commencement of the journey except in exceptional circumstances where it is established that the request for change could not be made before the commencement of the journey owing to circumstances beyond the control of the Govt. servant. This relaxation may be made by the Administrative Ministry/Department or by the Head of the Department, as the case may be.
7. Admissibility of Leave Travel Concession.-
(1) The leave travel concession shall be admissible to persons of the categories specified in clauses ( i ) and (iii) of sub-rule (3) of Rule 1 only, if they have completed one year’s continuous service under the Central Government on the date of journey performed by him or his family, as the case may be, to avail of the concession.
(2) The leave travel concession shall be admissible during any period of leave, including casual leave and special casual leave.
Govt. of India Decision
(1) *** In every case the journey should be to the home and back but it need not necessarily commence from or end at the headquarters of the Government servant either in his own case or in the case of the family. But the assistance admissible will be the amount admissible for the actual distance traveled, limited to the amount that would have been admissible had the journey been performed between the headquarters and the ‘home’ of the Government servant.
*** In the case of a Government servant serving in a vacation department, vacation will be treated as regular leave for the purpose of this concession.
The class of railway accommodation to which a Government servant and his family will be entitled is the class to which he is entitled under the normal rules at the time the journeys are undertaken.***
*** The Government servants should inform the Controlling Officer before journeys for which assistance under this scheme will be claimed are undertaken. They should also produce evidence of their having actually performed the journey, for example, serial numbers of railway tickets, etc.
A record of all assistance granted under these orders shall be suitably maintained. In the case of Gazetted Officers, the record shall be maintained by the Accounts Officer concerned. In the case of non-gazetted staff, the record should be in the form of entries in the service book or other appropriate service records and should indicate the date or dates on which the journey or journeys to the "home" commenced. The authority responsible for the maintenance of the service record shall ensure that on every occasion a Government servant proceeds on leave which is entered in that record, the fact whether or not he availed of the travel assistance under these orders is indicated.
[MHA OM No. 43/1/55-Estt.(A) –Part-II dated 11.10.56]
(2.) LTC not admissible on resignation
The concession will not, however, be admissible to a Government servant who proceeds on regular leave and then resigns his post without returning to duty.
(3.) LTC to hometown outside India
A Government servant who declares, subject to the satisfaction of the Controlling Officer, that his hometown is outside India, will also be entitled to the leave travel concession for visiting his hometown. Government’s assistance in such a case will be limited to the share of the fares for journey (i ) up to and from the railway station (by the shortest route) nearest to the hometown or (ii) the railway station for the nearest port of embarkation/disembarkation in India. The term "nearest port" for this purpose means the port in India nearest to the hometown of the Government servant.
*** Family can perform journey separately
Where a Government servant and his family perform journeys separately, there is no objection to his presenting separate claims. In each case, however, the claim should be for both outward and inward journeys.***
[MHA O.M. No. 43/5/57-Ests.(A) dated 4.9.1957]
(4.) An officer who is his own Controlling Officer for purposes of travelling allowance should make the initial or any subsequent declaration of his hometown to his next superior administrative authority for acceptance. This procedure should also be followed in cases where declarations have already been sent direct to the Accounts Officers concerned by officers who are their own Controlling Officers. The Comptroller and Auditor General and Secretaries to Government will, however, communicate the initial declaration of hometowns as well as any subsequent declaration for change therein direct to the Accounts Officers concerned.
[MHA OM No. 43/5/57-Ests.(A) dated 11.2.1958]
(5.) Entitlement of LTC in special cases
Leave travel concession will be admissible to the members of Government servant’s family with reference to the facts existing at the time of forward and return journeys independently. The following types of cases are given by way of illustrations:-
I. Entitled to reimbursement in respect of outward journey only:
(i) A dependent son/daughter getting employment or getting married after going to hometown or remaining there for prosecution of studies.
(ii) The family having performed the journey to hometown have no intention of completing the return journey from hometown, provided the Government servant foregoes in writing the concession in respect of the return journey if performed by the family members at a subsequent date.
II. Entitled to reimbursement in respect of the return journey only:
(i) A newly married wife coming from hometown to headquarters station or a wife who has been living long at hometown and did not avail herself of the leave travel concession in respect of the outward journey.
(ii) A dependent son/daughter returning with parents or coming along from hometown where he/she has been prosecuting studies or living with grandparents, etc.
(iii) A child who was previously below five/twelve years of age but has completed five/twelve years of age only at the time of the return journey.
(iv) A child legally adopted by a Govt. servant while staying in the hometown.
[MHA OM No. 43/10/58-Ests.(A), dated 11.12.1958]
(6.) LTC to industrial & work-charged staff-
Industrial and work-charged staff who are entitled to regular leave will also be eligible to avail of the Leave Travel Concession in the same manner as other Central Govt. employees. The first block in their case would be 1960-61.
*** *** *** ***
[MHA OM No. 6/7/59-Ests.(A), dated 15.6.1960]
(7) LTC in combination with transfer/tour TA-Mode of Regularisation.
Normally, the following types of cases are likely to arise when a Govt. servant combines a journey on LTC with one on transfer or tour:-
(i) Leave Travel Concession in combination with transfer journey-. An officer going to hometown on regular leave proceeds therefrom on transfer to the new headquarters.
(ii) Leave Travel Concession in combination with tour journey.-
(a) An officer proceeding with proper prior permission to hometown on regular leave from a tour station and returns to headquarters direct from hometown; and
(b) an officer proceeding to a tour station from hometown with proper prior permission and returns to headquarters therefrom.
It has been decided that the combined claims in such cases should be regulated as indicated below-
(a) In the cases of the category of para (i) above, the officer may be allowed as his minimum entitlement transfer travelling allowance under SR 124 or SR 126, as the case may be. He may be allowed in addition, Leave Travel Concession under the rules to the extent the distance from old headquarters to hometown and from hometown to the new headquarters exceeds the distance for which transfer-travelling allowance is admissible.
In cases where the distance for which Leave Travel Concession, however, be open to the Govt. servant not to avail of the Leave Travel Concession at all, being permitted to avail of it on some other occasion within the block period, subject to other conditions being fulfilled.
The option has to be exercised in respect of self and the members of the family at the time of preferring claim for transfer travelling allowance.
When Leave Travel Concession is not availed of, the Leave Travel Concession advance, if any, taken by the Govt. servant should be adjusted against his travelling allowance entitlement.
(b) In the case of the category of para (ii) (a) above, travelling allowance as on tour may be allowed for the journey from the headquarters to the tour station from which the Government servant proceeds to hometown and Leave Travel Concession for the journey from tour station to hometown and back to headquarters deeming the tour station as the starting point for the onward journey.
The limitation contained in para 1 (3) of Ministry of Home Affairs, Office Memorandum No. 43/1/55-Ests.(A)-Part II, dated the 11th October, 1956, will be applicable in computing the amount of Leave Travel Concession admissible.
(c) In the case of the category of para (ii) (b) above, Leave Travel Concession as admissible under the rules may be allowed from headquarters to hometown and travelling allowance as on tour for the journey from hometown to tour station and back to headquarters.
In cases falling under para (ii) the provisions of Ministry of Finance, Office Memorandum No. F. 5 (44)-E.IV/48, dated the 23rd April, 1948 (given below), will have to be complied with.
Extract of OM dated 23.4.1948, referred to above.
It has come to notice that cases of transfer of charge of an office elsewhere than at headquarters are becoming somewhat more frequent than normally. In the circumstances, it has been decided that to ensure prevention of any possible abuse of the spirit of the rules it will meet the object in view if orders in all such cases are issued by an officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary of a Ministry of the Government of India or embody the fact of his approval having been given.
(MHA OM No. F.43/15/59-Ests.(A), dated 19.7.1960)
(8) LTC to India based officers serving in India Missions/Posts abroad
The cases of India based officers and members of staff serving in India Missions/Posts abroad when they come to India on home leave or home leave- cum-transfer will be divided into the following three types for the purpose of LTC:-
(i) Officers coming on home leave and going back to their old posts on the expiry of leave
(ii) (a) Officers coming on home leave-cum-transfer to a post in India.
(b) Officers going on home leave-cum-transfer to a post outside India.
(iii) Officers coming on leave-cum-transfer to a post in another foreign country.
For the first category, the port of disembarkation in India on the approved route will be reckoned as the starting point for the commencement of the leave travel concession to the hometown and the reimbursement allowed at par with that admissible to employees in India.
(a) In regard to the category of officers at (ii) (a) above, the journey will be performed from the port of disembarkation in India to the new Headquarters via the hometown. The officer may be allowed as his minimum entitlement transfer travelling allowance under IFS Rules, 1954, as modified from time to time. He may be allowed, in addition, leave travel concession under the rules to the extent the distance from the port of disembarkation to hometown and from hometown to the new headquarters exceeds the distance from which transfer travelling allowance is admissible ***. (For officers whose hometowns are en route on the journey from the port of disembarkation to the new headquarters, or in case where the distance for which leave travel concession would be admissible as above is negligible it will be preferable to claim transfer travelling allowance only.)
(b) In regard to category of officers at (ii) (b) above, the journey will be performed from the headquarters in India to the port of embarkation in India via the home town. The officer may be allowed as his minimum entitlement transfer Travelling Allowance under IFS Rules, 1954, as modified from time to time. He may be allowed, in addition, leave travel concession under the rules to the extent the distance from headquarters in India to hometown and from hometown to the port of embarkation in India exceeds the distance for which transfer travelling allowance is admissible . (For officers whose hometowns are en- route to the journey from headquarters in India to the port of embarkation, or in cases where the distance for which Leave Travel Concessions would be admissible as above is negligible, it will be preferable to claim transfer travelling allowance only.)
The third category of officials may be allowed as his minimum entitlement transfer TA under IFS Rules, 1954, as modified from time to time. He may be allowed, in addition, Leave Travel Concession under the rules to the extent the distance from the port of disembarkation to hometown and from hometown to the port of embarkation exceeds the distance for which transfer traveling allowance is admissible.*** (For officers whose hometowns are en route of port of disembarkation to the port of embarkation, or in case where the distance, for which Leave Travel Concession would be admissible as above, is negligible, it would be advantageous to claim transfer traveling allowance throughout and no Leave Travel Concession will hence be admissible.)
(MHA Letter No. 43/7/59-Ests.(A), dated 6.7.1959)
(9) LTC to officers of autonomous bodies deputed to Central Government.
The officers of autonomous bodies deputed to Central Govt. will be treated as temporary Government servants during the period of their deputation with the Central Government and allowed Leave Travel Concession accordingly.
(MHA Letter No. 43/6/59-Ests.(A), dated 24.7.1959)
(10) LTC within India to the staff of the Indian Aid Mission in Nepal and other personnel sent to Nepal under India’s Aid Programme.
The point of commencement/end of the forward/return journey in India for the purpose of Leave Travel Concession in respect of the staff will be the nearest Railway Station in India to the place of posting of the staff in Nepal from which they actually commence their onward journeys/complete their return journeys. When the officer is coming to India on home leave-cum-transfer, the journey will be performed from the place of entry in India to the new headquarters via the home town. For the journey from the place of entry to the home town, Leave Travel Concession would be admissible and for the journey from home town to headquarters, transfer TA restricted to what would be admissible had the journey been performed directly from the place of entry in India to the headquarters, will be permitted. (For officers whose home towns are en route on the journey from the place of entry in India to the new headquarters, it would be preferable to claim only transfer TA throughout and no leave travel concession will hence be admissible.)
(MHA Letter No. 43/7/59-Ests.(A), dated 10.9.1959 and
31011/8/78-Ests.(A), dated 14.3.1980)
(11) LTC to officers of All India Services.
They or the members of their families will not be entitled to avail of the concessions for a particular block, if they or the members of their family, had availed of the concessions from the State Govt. for that block before being deputed to service in connection with the affairs of the Union. Similarly, on reversion to the State Govt., they will not be entitled to the concession for a particular block period, if concessions for that block had been availed of, while the officer was serving in connection with the affairs of the Union.
The expenditure incurred on account of Leave Travel Concessions availed of by such officers and/or their families during the period of their deputation with the Centre, shall be borne by the Central Govt. and the expenditure on concessions earned by these officers during the period of their deputation with the Centre but not availed of during that period, will be borne by the State Govt. concerned.
(MHA OM No. 16/1/69-AIS(II), dated 15.7.1969)
(12) Admissibility of LTC to Central Govt. servants deputed to other than top posts in the Public Sector Undertakings, etc.
The deputationists may be given an option either to choose the Leave Travel Concession admissible to the corresponding employees of the Public Sector Undertakings or under the Central Govt. Rules, whichever is more favourable to them. However, a Central Govt. servant deputed to a Public Sector Undertaking would not be entitled to avail of the LTC from the Public Sector Undertaking concerned for self and/or his family for the duration of the block of two years, if he and/or his family, as the case may be, had already availed of the concession under the Central Govt. during the block; and on reversion if the Central Govt. employee and/or his family has availed of LTC under the rules of the Public Sector Undertaking concerned, he would not be entitled to LTC under the Central Govt. for the duration of the block in which he had already availed of this concession. There may also be cases where a Govt. servant exercises an option to avail the LTC under the rules of the Public Sector Undertakings but could not actually avail the concession during the term of service in the Undertakings. In such a case, on reversion to Govt. service, the Govt. servant and his family should be entitled to avail the concession for a particular block only under the Central Govt. Rules.
(DPAR OM No. 43/2/60-Ests.(A), dated 7.7.1971)
(13) Reimbursement of Special Supplementary Charges for travel by Super Fast Express trains.
Doubts have been expressed as to whether the Special Supplementary Charges levied by the Railways for travel by Super Fast Express trains in reserved accommodation could be reimbursed in respect of journeys on Leave Travel Concession. In view of the provisions of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), OM No. 19023/2/73-E.IV(B), dated the 6th August, 1973 (not reproduced), under which the said special supplementary charges could be reimbursed for journeys on transfer, it is hereby clarified that those charges may also be reimbursed in respect of journeys on Leave Travel Concession.***
In cases where the journey for which Leave Travel Concession claim is preferred is performed otherwise than by rail between places connected by rail and the claim is restricted to the amount which would have been admissible had the journey been performed by rail, the amount to be reimbursed shall not include the Special Supplementary Charges.
(DPAR OM No. 43/4/73-Ests.(A), dated 7.6.1974)
(14) LTC to Central Government servants deputed to other than top posts in the Public Sector Undertakings.
Deputationists to posts, other than the top posts, in Public Undertakings may be given an option either to choose the Leave Travel Concessions as admissible to the corresponding employees of the Public Sector Undertakings or as admissible under the Central Government Rules, whichever is more favourable to them. A question has been raised whether fresh option can be allowed in a case where the rules relating to Leave Travel Concession are revised by the Undertaking concerned after the Govt. servant had joined it on deputation and had exercised his option in terms of the aforesaid Office Memorandum of 7.7.1971. It is clarified that a fresh option may be allowed in such cases also.
(DPAR OM No. 43/5/74-Ests.(A), dated 16.1.1976)
(15) LTC to officials under suspension.
A question has been raised whether LTC is admissible during the period of suspension. It is clarified that a Govt. servant under suspension cannot avail of LTC as he cannot get any leave including casual leave during the period of suspension. As he continues to be in service during the period of suspension, members of his family are entitled to LTC.
(All India Service Manual, Fifth Edition, Part I, page 233)
(16) LTC to Central Govt. employees deputed to top level posts in Public Sector Undertakings.
The undersigned is directed to refer to paragraph 3 (v) of this Department’s OM No. F. 1 (3)-Est.(P-II)/80, dated 27.7.1981 (not reproduced), which inter alia provides that while on deputation to a Public Sector Undertaking a Central Govt. employee will be allowed concessions as admissible to corresponding employees of the Undertaking.
It has now been represented that while under the Central Govt., LTC is available to Govt. employees, in some of the Public Sector Undertakings similar concessions are not available.
When a Central Govt. employee is deputed to a top level post in a Public Sector Undertaking, where LTC is not available, then he will be eligible for the LTC as in the case of other Central Govt. employees provided that provision for its admissibility has been incorporated in the orders placing the employee on foreign service with the Undertaking concerned. In those Public Sector Undertakings where the concession is available the deputationist Govt. employees will be entitled only to those concessions. As regards the Central Govt. employees already on foreign service with Undertakings, where the concession is not available, action may be taken in consultation with the Undertakings concerned to modify suitably the terms and conditions of their deputation so as to make them eligible for the concession. The cost of the concession in all such cases will, however, be met by the Undertaking concerned.
(DOPT OM No. 2 (16)-Est. (P-II)/82, dated 6.3.1984)
(17) LTC to the Central Govt. employees while on `Study Leave’ .
The leave travel concession is admissible to the Central Govt. employees while on study leave. In such cases the claim are to be regulated as under-
(a) For Self:
Government servant can avail LTC from the place of study leave to any place in India/hometown, subject to the condition that the reimbursement of fare should be restricted to the fare admissible for travel between his headquarters station to any place in India/hometown or actual expenditure, whichever is less;
(b) For the Family Members:
(i) When the family members are staying with the Govt. servant at the place of his study leave :
The reimbursement will be as indicated at (a) above;
(ii) When not staying at the place of study leave:
The reimbursement will be as under the normal terms and conditions of the LTC Scheme.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/1/88-Ests.(A), dated 30.3.1988)
(18) LTC when both husband and wife are Government servants and are residing together.
According to the definition of family as given under rule 4, which is applicable, in travel inter alia, for the purpose of admissibility of LTC, the family of a Government servant includes wife or husband, as the case may be, residing with the Government servant and children residing with and wholly dependent upon the Govt. servant. In addition, it includes the parents, sisters and minor brothers, if residing with and wholly dependent upon the Government servant.
According to the existing position where both husband and wife are Govt. servants and are residing together, they constitute one family unit for the purpose of LTC and only one of them can claim this concession and the other spouse travels as a member of his/her family. In such a case, the Govt. servants are required to make a joint declaration of a common hometown, which can be the hometown of either of the spouses or a third place. Therefore, the spouse who avails the LTC as member of family of the other could not claim the benefit separately for his/her own parents or dependent minor brothers and sisters even if they were residing with him/her. On the other hand, where a couple, both being Govt. servants, are residing separately can claim the benefit of LTC individually for their dependent parents, minor brothers and sisters and also declare two separate places as their respective hometowns. Therefore, the husband and wife when both are Govt. employees and are staying together suffer from certain disadvantages inasmuch as they have to declare common hometown and only one of them can claim the benefit of LTC. The matter has been considered in consultation with Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) and it has been decided that where husband and wife both are Govt. servants, they could, at their option, choose to declare separate hometown and both of them may claim the concession separately under the normal provisions of CCS (LTC) Rules in respect of the members of their respective families subject to the condition that if husband or wife avails the facility as a member of the family of the other, he or she will not be entitled for claiming the concession for self independently. Similarly, the children shall be eligible for the benefit in one particular block as members of the family of one of the parents only. All other conditions for admissibility of the LTC shall continue to be applicable as per normal provisions of the scheme.
The above decision will be applicable to the journeys performed for availing the LTC against the block years 1990-91 onwards.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/8/89-Est.(A), dated 8.5.1990)
(19) LTC facility for an escort accompanying single handicapped Government servant.
It has been decided that LTC facility could be allowed for an escort who accompanies a handicapped Govt. servant on the journey subject to the following conditions:-
(i) Prior approval of the Head of the Department concerned is obtained on each occasion.
(ii) The nature of physical disability of the Govt. servant is such as to necessitate an escort for the journey. In case of doubt, the decision of the Head of the Department will be final.
(3) The physically handicapped Govt. servant does not have an adult family member.
(4) The Govt. servant and the escort avail of the concession, if any, in the rail/bus fare as might be extended by Railways/State Roadways authorities in such cases.
(5) Any other person who is entitled to LTC does not accompany the handicapped Govt. servant on the journey.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/4/91-Estt. ( A) dated 9.7.91)
(20) LTC when an officer is deputed for training in India or abroad.
(i) In case the officer is deputed for training, the place of training automatically becomes the headquarters of the Govt. servant and such cases present no difficulty in deciding the admissibility of the LTC to the Govt. servant himself and the members of the family.
(ii) Normally, the headquarters of a Govt. servant deputed for training either in India or abroad continue to be at the place from where he proceeds for training unless under the provisions of SR 59, the competent authority changes his headquarters during the training period for the purpose of traveling allowances on tour. Where the competent authority changes his headquarters under SR 59 the new headquarters will have to be reckoned for the purpose of LTC also. If no change of headquarters is effected in respect of those who are deputed for training in India, the trainees are treated as on tour from their original headquarters and are sanctioned traveling allowance as on tour by the competent authority under SR 164. In such cases, if the Govt. servant proceeds on regular leave from the training station and wants to avail of the LTC, the concession should be allowed in respect of the Govt. servant himself for the journeys from the place of training to the hometown and back to the place of training or the headquarters on the expiry of the regular leave, as the case may be. So far as the members of his family are concerned, the starting point for the onward journey in such case will continue to be the headquarters of the Govt. servant concerned.
(iii) In respect of officers who are deputed abroad for training, the Government’s liability in respect of the Leave Travel Concession in respect of the Govt. servant himself will be limited to the liability the Govt. would have borne, if he had undertaken the journeys from the headquarters (from which he proceeded for training abroad) or the headquarters declared under SR 59 to the hometown and back. So far as members of his family are concerned, headquarters from which he proceeded on training will be treated as the starting point for the onward journey for the purpose of LTC.
(MHA OM No. 43/10/65-Estt. ( A) dated 7.8.65)
8.Types of leave travel concession.-
(a) The leave travel concession to hometown shall be admissible irrespective of the distance between the headquarters of the Government servant and his hometown, once in a block of two calendar years, such as 1986-87, 1988-89 and so on.
(b) the leave travel concession to any place in India shall be admissible irrespective of the distance of the place of visit from the headquarters of the Government servant, once in a block of four calendar years, such as 1986-89, 1990-93 and so on:
Provided that in the case of a Government servant to whom leave travel concession to hometown is admissible, the leave travel concession to any place in India availed of by him shall be in lieu of, and adjusted against, the leave travel concession to hometown available to him at the time of commencement of the journey;
(c) A Government servant whose family lives away from him at his hometown may, in lieu of all concessions under this scheme, including the leave travel concession to visit any place in India once in a block of four years which would otherwise be admissible to him and members of his family, choose to avail of leave travel concession for self only to visit the hometown every year.
9.Counting of leave travel concession against particular blocks.-
A Government servant and members of his family availing of leave travel concession may travel in different groups at different times during a block of two of four years, as the case may be. The concession so availed of will be counted against the block of two years or four years within which the outward journey commenced, even if the return journey was performed after the expiry of the block of two years or four years. This will apply to availing of leave travel concession carried forward in terms of Rule 10.
10.Carry over of leave travel concession.-
A Government servant who is unable to avail of the leave travel concession within a particular block of two years or four years may avail of the same within the first year of the next block of two years or four years. If a Government servant is entitled to leave travel concession to home town, he can carry forward the leave travel concession to any place in India for a block of four years only if he has carried forward the leave travel concession to home town in respect of the second block of two years within the block of four years.
Government of India’s Decision
CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988-Extension of the grace period of Home Town LTC block years 2002-2003.
It has been decided that the Government servants who were eligible for the home town leave travel concession for the block years 2002-2003 or leave travel concession to visit to any place in India for the block years 2002-2005 in lieu of home town block years 2002-2003 and who could not avail it within the grace period up to 31.12.2004, may be allowed to avail this facility up to 30th June, 2005, in relaxation of the CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988.
11.Place to be visited by Government servant and members of his family under leave travel concession to any place in India.-
A Government servant and each member of his family may visit different places of their choice during a block of four years. It shall not be necessary for members of family of a Government servant to visit the same place as that visited by the Government servant himself at any time earlier during the same block.
12.Entitlement.- (1) For travel under the Scheme of Leave Travel Concession the entitlement shall be as under –
(A) Journey by Air/Rail:
Pay Range
Rs.18,400 and above.
Air Economy (Y) Class by National Carriers or AC First Class by train, at their option.
Rs.16,400 and above, but less than Rs.18,400
AC First Class.
Rs.Rs.8,000 and above, but less than Rs.16,400.
Second AC-2 tier Sleeper.
Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.8,000.
First Class/AC 3-tier Sleeper/AC Chair Car.*
Below Rs.4,100.
Second Sleeper.
*All Govt. servants who are entitled to travel on LTC by First Class/AC 3-tier Sleeper/AC Chair Car may, at their discretion, travel by AC 2-tier Sleeper in cases where any of the trains connecting the originating and destination stations concerned by the direct shortest route do not provide these three classes of accommodation.
Travel by Rajdhani Express Trains:
Pay Range
Rs. 16,400 and above.
Rs.8,000 and above, but less than Rs.16,400.
Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.8,000.
AC First Class.
Second AC 2-tier Sleeper.
Chair Car/AC 3-tier Sleeper.
Travel by Shatabdi Express Trains:
Pay Range
Rs. 16,400 and above.
Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.16,400.
Executive Class.
AC Chair Car.
Note.- Entitlement by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Trains would be applicable in cases where journey is actually undertaken by these trains and not for determining entitlement on notional basis. Both ends of the journey, i.e., place of start of the journey and the destination should be directly connected by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express.
(B) Journey by Sea or by River Steamer:
Pay Range
Rs.8,000 and above.
Highest Class.
Rs.6,500 and above, but less than Rs.8,000
If there are two classes only on the steamer, the lower class.
Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.6,500.
If there are three classes, the middle or the second class. If there are four classes, the third class
Below Rs.4,100.
The lowest class.
Accommodation entitlements for travel between the mainland and the Andaman & Nicobar Group of Islands and the Lakshadweep Group of Islands by ships operated by the Shipping Corporation of India Limited will be as follows:-
Pay Range
Rs.8,000 and above.
Deluxe Class.
Rs.6,500 and above, but less than Rs.8,000
First/`A’ Cabin Class.
Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.6,500.
Second/`B’ Cabin Class.
Below Rs.4,100.
Bunk class.
(C) Journey by Road:
Pay Range
(i) Rs. 18,400 and above.
( ii ) Rs.8,000 and above but less than Rs.18,400.
Actual fare by any type of public bus, including air-conditioned Bus: OR
At prescribed rates for AC Taxi/Taxi (AC Taxi when the journey is actually performed by AC Taxi) for journey to the places not connected by rail, subject to condition that the claim shall be restricted to the bus fare by entitled class or the fare actually paid, whichever is less.
Same as at ( i ) above with the exception that journeys by AC Taxi will not be permissible.
(iii) Rs.6,500 and above, but less than Rs.8,000.
Same as at (ii ) above with the exception that journeys by AC Bus will not be permissible.
(iv) Rs.4,100 and above, but less than Rs.6,500.
Actual fare by any type of public bus other than air-conditioned Bus:
At prescribed rates for Auto rickshaw for journey to places not connected by rail, subject to condition that the claim shall be restricted to the bus fare by entitled class or the fare actually paid, whichever is less.
(v) Below Rs.4,100.
As at (iv) above with the condition that the claim shall be restricted to the bus fare by ordinary bus.
NOTE.- In all cases of travel by AC Taxi, Taxi or Autorickshaw production of fare receipt will be necessary.
(2) Journey by road.-
(i) Where a public transport system as aforesaid does not exist, the assistance will be regulated as in case of journeys undertaken on transfer.
(ii) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule ( 1 ) or Clauses ( i ) and (ii ) of sub-rule (2), where a Govt. servant travelling by road takes a seat or seats in a bus, van or other vehicle operated by Tourism Development Corporations in the Public Sector, State Transport Corporations and Transport services run by other Government or local bodies to visit any place in India, the reimbursement shall be either the actual hire charges or the amount reimbursable on the journey to the declared place of visit had the journey been undertaken by entitled class by rail by the shortest direct route, whichever is less. Reimbursement shall not be admissible for journey by a private car (owned, borrowed or hired), or a bus, van or other vehicle owned by private operators.
(3) By Air.- The Govt. servant may travel by air between places not connected by rail, where an alternative means of travel is either not available or is more expensive.
(4) In regard to places in territory of India connected by shipping services, the entitlement of a Govt. servant to travel by ship will be regulated as in the case of journeys by ship undertaken on transfer.
(5) Travel between places not connected by any other means of transport.- For travel between places not connected by any other means of transport, a Govt. servant can avail of animal transport like pony, elephant, camel, etc. In such cases mileage allowance will be admissible at the same rate as for journeys on transfer.
EXPLANATION.- For the purpose of this Rule, "Pay" shall mean pay as defined in FR 9 (21) (a) (I). [Now Basic pay + NPA+SI-vide GID (1) below SR 17 and OM, dated 7.6.1990.]
Govt. of India’s Decision
(1) Facility of LTC by air during winter only to the Govt. servants posted in Ladakh Region.
It has been decided to grant LTC facility by air during winter season to all the Central Govt. employees serving in the Ladakh Region subject to the following conditions:-
(i) The facility of air travel will be admissible only for the period from 15th November to 15th March.
(ii) The facility of air travel will be limited to travel between Leh and Srinigar/Jammu/Chandigarh for the forward as well as the return journey. This facility would, however, be admissible between Leh and only one of these three places. The journeys between Srinagar/Jammu/Chandigarh and the hometown or any other place of visit, as the case may be, will be regulated by the normal entitlement of the Govt. servant concerned.
(iii) The air travel facility will be allowed to the Govt. servant, his-her spouse and only two dependent children (up to 18 years for boys and 24 years for girls).
(DOPT OM. No. 31011/15/87-Ests.(A), dated 22.4.1988 and 31011/18/90-Estt.(A), dated 19.3.1991)
(2) LTC travel by air between New Delhi and Srinagar
In relaxation of Rule 12 (1) of the CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, the Government have now decided to permit all Group A and B Government servants to travel on LTC by Air Economy (Y) class in national carrier between New Delhi and Srinagar for a period of two years and allow air fare reimbursement accordingly. These orders shall apply to Government servants who intend to visit Srinagar, by availing All India LTC, provided New Delhi is the originating station or is en-route to Srinagar.
These orders shall take effect from the date of issue.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/2/2003-Estt. (A) dated 16.6.2004)
(3) LTC to Central Government Employees-Travel by State Tourism Development Corporation buses-Clarification-regarding.
The Staff Side has raised a demand in the National Council (JCM) that the tours conducted by the ITDC/State Tourism Development Corporations either in their own buses or buses hired or chartered by them may be made admissible for availing the facility of Leave Travel Concession. The matter has been reconsidered and it has been decided that tours conducted by ITDC/State Tourism Development Corporations either in their own buses or buses hired or chartered by them from outside will qualify for the purpose of availing LTC facilities provided the ITDC/State Tourism Development Corporations certify that the journey has actually been performed by the Government servant and his family members for which he is claiming the LTC.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/6/2002-Estt. (A) dated. 30th July, 2002)
(4) Govt. servants entitled to travel by First Class by rail may Travel by AC-III Tier.
The Govt. servants, who are entitled to travel by First Class by rail, while on duty or on LTC, may, at their discretion, travel by AC-III Tier by trains including Rajdhani Express Trains.
[M.F. OM No. F.19023/1/94-E.IV, dated 10.5.1995]
(5) Certain clarifications have been sought by various Ministries/Departments from time to time. The doubts raised by various authorities are clarified as under:-
Points raised Clarifications
1. Can an employee be entitled to travel by air travel via a station connected by air services even if the Home Town/declared place of visit is not directly connected by air services?
An employee can travel by entitled to travel by air the national carriers (and not by private airlines) to airport nearest to the Home Town or the declared place of visit in case where these are not directly connected by air services. The air journey in such cases shall however, be performed by the shortest direct route.
2. Entitlement for journey by train has been modified through the Notification dated 28.7.1998, which came into force w. e. f. 1.10.1998. How the entitlement will be determined for a journey performed prior to Ist October, 1998?
The entitlement of an officer is to be determined strictly in terms of the orders in force and applicable on the date of commencement of the outward journey.
3. If an employee commenced his outward journey before 1.10.1998 but returned after 1.10.1998, how his claim shall be regulated?
The claim shall be regulated strictly in terms of the orders in force on the date of commencement of the outward journey.
4. LTC orders provide for journey by AC chair car in Rajdhani Express Trains by employees in the pay range of Rs. 4,100 and above but less than Rs. 8,000. In cases where Chair Car is not provided, can an employee travel by AC 3-tier sleeper on Such trains and claim reimbursement accordingly?
Travels by Rajdhani Express is a special concession provided in the LTC Rules. In the circumstances, reimbursement of AC-3 Tier sleeper fare on trains in which chair car accommodation is not provided will not be permissible and the claim Shall be restricted only to the applicable Chair Car fare.
5. LTC orders permit journeys by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains. Can the entitlement be determined on notional basis?
No. In order to be entitled to reimbursement of fares applicable on Rajdhani or Shatabdi Express, the journeys in question have to be actually performed by these trains. In cases where LTC journeys are undertaken in trains other than Rajdhani or Shatabdi Express by a class of accommodation higher than the one to which the employee is entitled to or by an alternative mode of travel (e.g. by air) to which he/she is not entitled, reimbursement of fares cannot be determined on a notional basis with reference to the fares applicable by the entitled class on the Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express.
6. LTC orders provide for journey by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express trains where both the originating and destination stations are directly connected by these trains. Can an employee travel by these trains if the Home-Town/declared place of visit is not directly connected by rail but the nearest Railway Station is directly connected by Rajdhani/Shaatabdi Trains?
This will be permissible provided the employee concerned is entitled to travel by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express on LTC.
7. If the Home-town of an employee is connected by train but is not directly connected by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains. In such a case can the employee be entitled to travel partly by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express Trains and partly by other trains(s).
If the journey is actually performed by Rajdhani/Shatabdi Trains upto an enroute railway station by direct shortest route and thereafter the journey is completed in a train other than Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains, fare for both the types of trains by the entitled class would be admissible for the respective portion of journey.
8. Whether reimbursement is permissible in cases where an employee travels by a longer route or breaks journey when he is travelling only by Rajdhani Express trains. Can the reimbursement in such cases be restricted to the fare applicable on Rajdhani Express trains by the shortest direct route or will only the ordinary train fare be admissible?
Reimbursement of fares by the entitled class of accommodation applicable on Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express by the shortest direct route, shall be permissible provided all the legs of the journey are actually performed exclusively by these trains and both the originating and destination stations are directly connected by these trains.
9. If an employee travels partly by Rajdhani/Shatabadi Express trains and partly by other train (s) or by any other mode of transport, such as ship, bus, etc. how is the LTC claim to be regulated?
As already clarified at Sl. No. 7 above, in cases where travel on LTC is performed partly by Radjhani/Shatabadi Express and partly by other trains/modes of transport the claim shall be reimbursable subject to the condition that the journey is performed by the shortest route.
10.. Certain places are not directly connected by trains and one has to change train at nearest rail head. In such cases can journey be undertaken up to nearest rail head which is connected by Rajdhani/Shatabadi Express?
Clarification in respect of Sl. No. 9 may be seen in this connection.
11. If the originating and terminating points fall on the routes of Rajdhani/Shatabadi Express Trains but these trains do not halt at these stations, can an employee travel by Rajdhani/Shatabadi Express and claim reimbursement?
The employee can travel by Rajdhani/Shatabadi Express up to the nearest enroute station which should not be beyond the destination i.e. Home Town or the declared place of visit.
12. If two stations are connected by direct trains but the route transversed by such trains is not the shortest, can the fare applicable for travel by the direct longer route be reimbursed in full?
Yes. Provided travel by the longer route on LTC has been specifically recognized and approved by the Government in terms of the separate orders issued in this regard from time to time.
13. Revised LTC orders permit travel by private vehicles i.e. Taxi, Autorickshaw, etc. It may be clarified whether the orders prohibiting LTC journeys by road in a private, hired vehicle or by own vehicles have been withdrawn. If so, in such cases, can the claim be restricted to the bus fare or the fare actually paid?
Journeys on LTC by taxi, autorickshaw, etc. are permissible only between places which are not connected by rail. This is further subject to the condition that these modes of transports operate on a regular basis from point to point with the specific approval of the State Governments/Transport Authorities concerned and are authorized to ply as public carriers. The existing restrictions on travel by private chartered vehicles, own vehicles etc. shall, therefore, continue to be in force and applicable. No reimbursement shall be permissible in such cases.
14. If journeys on LTC are performed by taxi or auto-rickshaw between stations connected by rail and/or bus, can the LTC claim be restricted to the bus fare? If not, what amount be admissible ?
Journeys by taxi, autorickshaw etc. are permissible only between places not connected by rail and subject to the further condition that these operate on a regular basis from point to point with the specific approval of the State Governments/ Transport Authorities concerned. Journeys by these modes on LTC are not permissible between places connected by rail.
15. Can claims in respect of local journeys performed by taxi, autorickshaw, etc. from the residence to the Railway Station, airport, etc. and vice-versa be restricted to the applicable bus fare?
Incidental expenditure incurred on local journeys between the residence/place of stay and the airport/railway station/bus terminal are not reimbursable.
16.. LTC Rules provide that when a journey is performed by taxi, autorickshaw etc. the claim shall be restricted to the entitled bus fare. However, various State Roadways Corporations operate on the same route but have different fare structures. How will the claim be regulated in such a situation.
When journey on LTC is actually undertaken by buses operated by a State Roadways Corporation, the actual fare paid by the entitled type of bus shall be reimbursable. As clarified against Sl. No. 13, journeys on LTC by taxi, autorickshaw, etc. are permissible only between places not connected by rail and subject to the conditions specified. When journeys are performed by these modes and more than one State Roadways Corporation operate on the route, the lowest fare applicable on the route is reimbursable.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/8/98-Estt. (A ) dated 31.3.99)
Related Circular :
OM F.No. 7(1)/E.Coord./2008 Dated - 10/11/2008
Subject : Expenditure Management - Economy Measures and Rationalization of Expenditure - Guidelines related to LTC
13. Reimbursement.-
Reimbursement under the leave travel concession scheme shall not cover incidental expenses and expenditure incurred on local journeys. Reimbursement for expenses of journey shall be allowed only on the basis of a point to point journey on a through ticket over the shortest direct route.
Govt. of India’s Decision
LTC when journey performed by longer route
(1) When a Government servant or any member of his family performs the journey by a longer route (which is not the cheapest) in two different classes of railway accommodation, the entitled class rate will be admissible for the corresponding proportion of the shortest or the cheapest route and the lower class rate for the remaining mileage by such route.
Example.- If the total distance by the longer route is 1,100 miles and that by the shortest route is 1,000 miles and if the Government servant concerned has travelled the initial 800 miles by II Class and the remaining 300 miles by I Class, Government’s share of reimbursement of the expenditure incurred in this case should be as follows:-
(i) Mileage for which II Class fare will be admissible-
Distance actually travelled by II Class X Total distance by the shortest route
Total distance by the longer route= 800 X1,000 =727 miles (roundly) 1,100
ii) Mileage for which II Class fare will be admissible-
Distance actually travelled by I Class X Total distance by the shortest route
Total distance by the longer route = 300 X1,000 =273 miles (roundly) 1,100
(MHA OM No. 43/10/58-Ests.(A) dated 11.4.1958 and 29.5.1958 and F. 31011/9/78-Est.(A), dated 24.7..1980]
(2) Regulation of claims on Circular Tour Ticket.
It has been decided that in a case where a Govt. servant and/or his family avail(s) of the concessional circular tour ticket offered by the Railways in conjunction with the LTC, the fare at the normal rate for the entitled/lower class actually used between headquarters and hometown by the shortest route*** of the to and fro journey should be reimbursed to the Govt. servant.
(DPAR OM No. 35014/4/76-Ests.(A), dated 16.12.1976)
(3) Admissibility of reservation/sleeper charges
A Govt. servant and also members of his family are eligible for the reimbursement of sleeper/reservation charges while performing a journey by availing of the Leave Travel Concession, in Second Class and for reservation charges while performing the journey in First Class (Separate fare is not charged for sleeper accommodation where the journey is performed in First Class).
(DPAR OM No.31011/6/78-Ests.(A), dated 9.10.1978)
(4) Admissibility of claims where the journey commences/terminates at the place of residence of the Govt. servant and not the place of duty.
Situations do arise when the Govt. servant is forced to reside with his family at a place away from his headquarters for his own reasons generally under the following circumstances:-
(i) The Govt. servant on his transfer from one station to another continues to reside with his family at the old station even after joining duty at the new station.
(ii) Due to non-availability of suitable accommodation at reasonable rent in a metropolitan city or a costly place, where he has to work, he prefers to live with his family away from his place of duty and commutes daily from his residence to perform his duties.
The question has arisen whether in cases referred to above, the LTC should be allowed only from the duty station or from the place of residence of the Govt. servant and his family. This has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has been decided that where the Govt. servant and family live away from the place of duty for any reason, LTC may be allowed from the place of residence to the place of visit/hometown and back to the place of residence, subject to the condition that the claim is restricted to the rail fare by the shortest direct route between the duty station and the hometown or declared place of visit, as the case may be. In such cases, the Govt. servant should furnish the reasons for residing at a place other than place of duty and the controlling authority should also satisfy itself regarding the genuineness of those reasons before admitting the claim with reference to the place of residence.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/16/84-Est.(A), dated 11.6.1985)
(5) Regulation of LTC claim when the journey is performed by Air.
The reimbursement of fare in cases where a Govt. servant performs journeys on LTC by air between places connected by rail, may be restricted to the fare of the entitled class by rail other than Rajdhani/Shatabdi Express.
These provisions are, however, not applicable in respect of journeys undertaken by private airlines.
(DOPT OM No.31011/1/95-Estt (A) dt. 28-4-1995)
14. Forfeiture of claim.-
A claim for reimbursement of expenditure incurred on journey under leave travel concession shall be submitted within three months after the completion of the return journey, if no advance had been drawn. Failure to do so will entail forfeiture of the claim and no relaxation shall be permissible in this regard.
15. Grant of advance and adjustment thereof.-
(i) Advance may be granted to Government servants to enable them to avail themselves of the concession. The amount of such advance in each case shall be limited to four-fifths of the estimated amount, which Government would have to reimburse in respect of the cost of the journey both ways.
(ii) If the family travels separately from the Government servant, the advance may also be drawn separately to the extent admissible.
(iii) The advance may be drawn both for the forward and return journeys at the time of commencement of the forward journey, provided the period of leave taken by the Government servant or the period of anticipated absence of the members of the family does not exceed three months or ninety days. If this limit is exceeded, then the advance may be drawn for the outward journey only.
(iv) If the limit of 3 months or ninety days is exceeded after the advance had already been drawn for both the journeys, one half of the advance should be refunded to the Government forthwith.
(v) The advance should be refunded in full if the outward journey is not commenced within 30 days of the grant of advance. However, in cases where reservations can be made sixty days before the proposed date of the outward journey and advance is granted accordingly, the Government servant should produce the tickets within ten days of the drawal of advance, irrespective of the date of commencement of the journey.
(vi) Where an advance has been drawn by a Government servant, the claim for reimbursement of the expenditure incurred on the journey shall be submitted within one month of the completion of the return journey. On a Government servant’s failure to do so, he shall be required to refund the entire amount of advance forthwith in one lump sum. No request for recovery of the advance in instalments shall be entertained.
Govt. of India’s Decision
(1) Advance to an officer on deputation.
The following procedure may be followed for grant of advance for Leave Travel Concession to an officer on deputation who, immediately on reversion to his parent office, wishes to proceed on leave and to join the parent office on the expiry of such leave:-
(a) In the leave application of the reverting officer, the fact that he would be availing of the Leave Travel Concession during the period of leave would have been mentioned by him. The borrowing department may, while forwarding the leave application to the lending department for sanction, inform the latter department that in the event of leave being sanctioned, they would sanction advance to the extent admissible under, and subject to the conditions laid down in, this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No. 43/3/57-Ests.(A), dated the 1st April, 1958. On receipt of intimation regarding sanction to leave, the controlling officer for T.A. purposes in the borrowing department, in respect of the officer availing of the Leave Travel Concession may sanction the advance and endorse a copy of the lending department, which will keep a watch on the adjustment of Leave Travel Concession advance.
(b) The procedure in (a) above may be made applicable in the event of the reverting officer applying for leave and intending to avail of, during the leave, the Leave Travel Concession himself or with any or all members of his family. If during the period of leave in question, any or all members of his family alone intend to avail of the concession and not the Government servant himself, even then the procedure at (a) above may also be made applicable.
(c) The Leave Travel Concession advance granted by the borrowing department will be adjusted against the account of the department/office which is ultimately liable to bear the expenditure on account of the LTC availed of by the Government servant concerned and/or his family.
(MHA OM No. 43/9/64-Ests.(A), dated 7.12.1965)
(2) Relaxation of normal time-limit of six months between commencement and completion of the journey by the family of a Govt. servant.
It has been recommended by the Department of Administrative Reforms that the powers for relaxation of time-limit fixed for the return journey under this Ministry’s Office Memorandum, dated the 11th April, 1958, may be delegated to Heads of Departments. The Ministry of Home Affairs have accepted this recommendation. It has accordingly been decided that the aforesaid power of relaxation of time-limit for the return journey of families of Govt. servants shall be exercised by Heads of Departments, subject to the conditions mentioned in the Office Memoranda under reference.
(MHA OM No. 43/3/68-Est.(A), dated 19.7.1968)
(3) Advance should be recovered in full and not in installments.
A Govt. servant who is granted advance to enable him/her and/or members of his/her family to avail himself/herself of the LTC should refund it, in full, immediately, if the outward journey is not commenced within thirty days of the drawl of advance. Subsequently, since the Railways had raised the time-limit for reservation of seats/berths by six months (now sixty days) before the date of the journey, it was decided vide Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 31011/4/78 Est.(A), dated 1st September, 1978, that a Govt. servant can draw advance in respect of the journey proposed to be performed under the LTC Scheme by himself/herself and/or by the members of his/her family, sixty days before the proposed date of the outward journey. In such cases, it was further decided that the Govt. servant should produce railway tickets within ten days of the drawl of advance to the competent authority to show that he/she has actually utilised the amount to purchase the tickets.
It has, however, been noticed that, due to administrative lapse in certain cases, the LTC advances which were not utilised to purchase the tickets in time remained unrecovered for many months. This Department takes a serious view of the matter. It is once again stressed that the above provision should be strictly observed. Ministry of Finance, etc., are requested to ensure that if the ticket is not purchased within the stipulated time, or the ticket having been purchased, the journey is not performed for one reason or the other, the full amount of the advance is recovered immediately, and no request for deduction of advance in convenient monthly instalments is entertained.
(DOPT OM No. 31011/11/85-Est.(A), dated 21.3.1986)
(4) Advance may be granted up to 90% of the estimated Fare.
The President has been pleased to decide that employees of the Lakshadweep and A&N Administrations may be sanctioned an advance of 90% of the estimated ship fare from Island to Mainland and back for availing Annual Free Sea Passage. It has also been decided to increase the amount of advance for availing LTC from 80% to 90% of estimated fare in respect of the Central Govt. employees.
(M.F. OM No. F. 17 (4)-E.II (A)/85, dated 8.9.1986)
Related Circular :
OM No. 14028/7/97-Estt(L) Dated - 07/10/1997
Subject : Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission - Decisions relating to enhancement of the ceiling on accumulation and encashment of Earned Leave in respect of Central Government Employees.
16.Fraudulent claim of leave travel concession.-
( 1 ) If a decision is taken by the Disciplinary Authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings against a Government servant on the charge of preferring a fraudulent claim of leave travel concession, such Government servant shall not be allowed the leave travel concession till the finalisation of such disciplinary proceedings.
(2) If the disciplinary proceedings result in imposition of any of the penalties specified in Rule 11 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, the Government servant shall not be allowed the next two sets of the leave travel concession in addition to the sets already withheld during the pendency of the disciplinary proceedings. For reasons to be recorded in writing, the controlling authority can also disallow more than two sets of leave travel concession.
(3) If the Government servant is fully exonerated of the charge of fraudulent claim of leave travel concession, he shall be allowed to avail of the concession withheld earlier as additional set (s) in future block years but before the normal date of his superannuation.
EXPLANATION.- For the purpose of this rule, leave travel concession to hometown and leave travel concession to any place in India as specified in clauses (a) and (b) of Rule 8 shall constitute two sets of the leave travel concession.
17. Interpretation .-
If there is any doubt regarding any of the provisions in these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Government of India in the Department of Personnel and Training, who shall decide the same.
18. Power to relax.-
Save as otherwise provided in these rules, where any Ministry or Department of the Government is satisfied that the operation of any of these rules causes undue hardship in any particular case, that Ministry or Department, as the case may be, may, by order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, dispense with or relax the requirements of that rule to such extent and subject to such exception and conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just and equitable manner:
Provided that no such order shall be made except with the concurrence of the Department of Personnel and Training.
19. Saving.-
All the existing instructions which are not contrary to any of the provisions of these rules and all instructions which cover matters not specifically covered by these rules, shall continue to be in force until they are amended, modified or cancelled.