Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001.
Dated: 18th June, 2018.
All Heads of Circles,
All Directors Postal Staff College India/PTCs.
Sub: Reimbursement of Accommodation charges for stay in Hotels as per CCS (Travelling Allowance) Rules -regI am directed to inform that this Department has sought clarification regarding reimbursement of accommodation/guest house charges for stay in Hotels as per Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM. No/19030/1/2017-E-IV dated 13.07.2017, wherein the revision of travelling allowances is notified.
Ministry of Finance was requested to clarify whether the limit for reimbursement of accommodation charges can be taken without GST and the GST amount debit by Hotels can be reimbursed in full.
Read also: Clarification on TA Rules : CGST/SGST on Hotel accommodation/Guest houses is reimbursable to the Govt. employees over and above the prescribed limit - DoE
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their OM. No.19030/2/2017-E.IV dated 10th October 2017 has clarified that the ceiling prescribed in para 2E (i) of the Annexure to DoE O.M.No.19030/1/2017-E-IV dated 13.07.2017 in r/o hotel accommodation/guest house, is exclusive of all taxes and these taxes shall be reimbursed to the Govt. Employee over and above the ceiling limit.
(K.V. layakumar)
Assistant Director General (Estt.)