Paper –I | ||
1 | Appendix V to the Postal Accounts Manual Volume I (Fourth Edition corrected upto 31st , July,2004) and Major and Minor Heads of Accounts of Telecom | Rs.150/- |
2 | Government Accounting Rules, 1990 | Rs.100/- |
Paper –II | ||
3 | Bare act book on RTI Act, 2005 | Rs. 85/- |
4 | Bare act book on Constitution of India | Rs.180/- |
Paper –III | ||
5 | Postal Accounts Manual Volume I | Rs.260/- |
6 | Postal Accounts Manual Volume II | Rs.220/- |
7 | Schedule of Financial Powers | Rs.150/- |
Paper –IV | ||
8 | GST Act (Bare Act with Amendments only) | Rs.130/- |
9 | Income Tax Act, 1961 (Bare Act with Amendments only) | Rs.170/- |
Guide books | ||
10 | Question Bank for AAO examination | Rs. 50/- |
Paper –I | ||
11 | Study materials on Accounting Principles and Book keeping | Rs.250/- |
12 | Study material on Government Accounts and Budget - An outline | Free |
Paper –II | ||
13 | Solved problems on Pay, Pension, Leave, TA, GPF, Scooter/Computer/ House Building Advance. Court Attachment, Last Pay Certificate, Postmaster’s Balance Sheet and Schedule of Financial Powers | Rs.70/- |
Paper –IV | ||
14 | Study materials on Telecom Accounts and Finance Manual relating to Licencing Finance Branch and USOF, NFON Agreement and Wire-Line Broadband Agreement | Rs. 300/- |
15 | Study materials on Telecom Accounts and Finance Manual relating to Wireless Branch, CSC WiFi CHOUPAL Agreement Spectrum usage charges and Bank Guarantees in NIA 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 Important guidelines regarding Adjusted Gross Revenue of Telecom Service Licensee | Rs. 200/- |
16 | TDS ON SALARIES | Rs. 120/- |
Paper –V | ||
17 | Study material on Data Interpretation- Data Tables, Linear Graphs, Pie chart, Bar charts, Venn Diagram | Rs. 40/- |
18 | Quantitative Ability -Mathematics Book | Rs.250/- |
19 | General English (Language Skills- English) Verbal and reading abilities | Rs.220/- |
20 | Study material on Precis, Drafting and Noting, | Rs. 90/- |
Total amount for the books Rs. | 3, 035/- | |
Despatch charges under Registered Book Packet Rs. | 105/- | |
Total amount for which M.O is to be remitted Rs. | 3,140/- | |
Total 20 items only |
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8. The candidate should obtain the books mentioned in the Annexure A from “Swamy Publishers Private Limited, 236, R.K. Mutt Road, Post Box No. 2468, Raja Annamalaipuram PO, Chennai 600 028” by On-line or VPP service.
9. Department has informed in its letter no. 3-37/2016-DE/PACE/AAO exam /746 dated 15.05.2018 that Photostat copies of the books / manuals are allowed in the examination hall. Hence the candidates need not hesitate in using Photostat copies of the books included in the Annexure- B list.
For further details, please contact
Shri. P.Karunanithy,B.Sc., Retired SPOs : Cell number : 094433 29681