Ministry of Labour & Employment
Payment of Minimum Wages to Contract/Casual Employees
The basic rate of minimum wages for the scheduled employments in the Central sphere was last revised and notified on 19.01.2017. A component of minimum rates of wage, Variable Dearness Allowance (V.D.A.), was last revised on 01.10.2017.
Rates fixed for the scheduled employments in the Central sphere are applicable to establishments under the authority of Central Government, railway administration, mines, oil-fields, major port or any corporation established by a Central Government. These rates are equally applicable to contract and casual labourers/worker.
The implementation of the Act is done by the Centre as well as the States in respect of their respective jurisdiction. In the Central Sphere, the enforcement is secured through the Inspecting Officers of the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) commonly designated as Central Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM) across the Country for workers falling under the Scheduled Employment in the Central Sphere including CPSUs and Railways establishments through regular inspections. In case of non-compliance, penal provisions against the defaulting employers are invoked.
This Ministry is in constant endeavor towards implementing the revised rates of minimum wages. As far as employees in Railway are concerned guidelines were issued in December, 2017 to Ministry of Railways/Railway Board. Ministry of Railways has also issued instructions to its Zonal Offices across the country for strict compliance of minimum wages in December, 2017.
The data of inspections, amount of claims, action taken against defaulting employer under the Minimum Wage Act, 1948 in the Central Sphere for the last three years is at Annexure ‘A’.