Ms. Meera Handa, IPoS-1982 has assumed the office of Director General Postal Services in the forenoon of 01.04.2018 : Department of Posts.
Friday, 13 April 2018
Author: PostalBlog verified_user
Irregular return of registered / accountable articles containing the Court notices to the addresses booked by Hon'ble Courts / Advocates Irregular return of registered / accountable a
Promotion and allotment orders in the cadre of Lower Seleaction Grade (Postal) for the year 2018 - MP Circle (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu
अब सरकारी अधिकारीयों का प्रमोशन पब्लिक की ग्रेडिंग और फीडबैक से होगा। The new performance-related grading system is e
Functioning of PTCs under Regions and Circles to expedite various issues. Functioning of PTCs under Regions and Circles t
Filling up of the post of Higher Selection Grade -II in the Post Offices (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).pu
Civil Appeal No.3792 of 2019 it is quite clear that insofar as issue of eligibility of promotion is concerned Civil Appeal No.3792 of 2019 it is quite clear
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