Important codes for Vourcher Entry
Savings Withdrawal
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
1 | Payments | 4800100030 | Recurring Deposits (RD) |
2 | Payments | 4800100040 | 1 Year TD |
3 | Payments | 4800100050 | 2 Year TD |
4 | Payments | 4800100060 | 3 Year TD |
5 | Payments | 4800100070 | PO 5 Year TD 1981 |
6 | Payments | 4800100080 | Monthly Income Scheme |
7 | Payments | 4800100090 | Senior Citizen Savin |
8 | Payments | 4800100100 | National Savings Sch 87 |
9 | Payments | 4800100110 | National Savings Sch 92 |
10 | Payments | 4800100010 | SB |
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
11 | Payments | 4800200230 | 12 Yr National SC |
12 | Payments | 4800200260 | 7 yr National SC-2nd |
13 | Payments | 4800200100 | 7 Year National SC (7) |
14 | Payments | 4800200110 | 7 Year National SC (7) |
15 | Payments | 4800200120 | 7 Year National SC (V) |
16 | Payments | 4800200130 | 6 Year National SC(6) |
17 | Payments | 4800200140 | 6 Year National SC(7) |
18 | Payments | 4800200170 | 5 Year NSC |
19 | Payments | 4800200080 | 10 YEAR NSC 9th ISSU |
20 | Payments | 4800200040 | 12 Year National Def |
21 | Payments | 4800200070 | Kisan Vikas Patra(old) |
22 | Payments | 4800200060 | 6 Year NSC (8th-Iss) |
23 | Payments | 4800200150 | Indra Vikas Patra |
24 | Payments | 4800200200 | 10 Yr Social Sec Cer |
25 | Payments | 4800600010 | Public Provident Fund |
Interest Payments
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
26 | Payments | 4800800010 | Post Office Saving Bank Deposits Interest |
27 | Payments | 4800800040 | One Year Time Deposits Interest |
28 | Payments | 4800800050 | Two Year Time Deposits Interest |
29 | Payments | 4800800060 | Three Year Time Deposits Interest |
30 | Payments | 4800800070 | Five Year Time Deposits Interest |
31 | Payments | 4800800120 | Post Office Recurring Deposits Interest |
32 | Payments | 4800800500 | NATIONAL SAVINGS SCHEME 1987 Interest |
33 | Payments | 4800800130 | Monthly Income Scheme Interest |
34 | Payments | 4800800140 | National Savings Scheme1992 Interest |
35 | Payments | 4800800150 | Senior Citizens Savings Scheme-2004 Interest |
36 | Payments | 4800800180 | 12 Year NSC Interest |
37 | Payments | 4800800200 | 5 Year NSC Interest |
38 | Payments | 4800800210 | 12 Year NDSC Interest |
39 | Payments | 4800800320 | 7 Year NSC IInd Issue Interest |
40 | Payments | 4800800330 | 7 Year NSC IIIrd Issue Interest |
41 | Payments | 4800800340 | 7 Year NSC IVth Issue Interest |
42 | Payments | 4800800350 | 7 Year NSC Vth Issue Interest |
43 | Payments | 4800800360 | 6 Year NSC Vith Issue Interest |
44 | Payments | 4800800370 | 6 Year NSC VIIth Issue Interest |
45 | Payments | 4800800400 | INTEREST ON 10 YEAR NSC 9th ISSUE |
46 | Payments | 4800800380 | 10 Year SSC Interest |
47 | Payments | 4800800390 | Kisan Vikas Patra Interest |
48 | Payments | 4800800300 | 6 Year NSC VIIIth Issue Interest |
49 | Payments | 4800800310 | Indira Vikas Patra Interest |
50 | Payments | 4800800410 | Interest on P.P.F. |
Commission Payment
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
51 | Payments | 4800800420 | Payment of Commission To SAS Agents. |
52 | Payments | 4800800430 | Payment of Commission To EDBM/SPM |
53 | Payments | 4800800440 | Payment of Commission To Mpkby Agents |
54 | Payments | 4800800450 | Payment of Commission To PPF Agents |
55 | Payments | 4800800460 | Payment of Commission To Pay Roll Saving |
56 | Payments | 4800800470 | Comm Paid To Agents for Senior Citizen |
57 | Payments | 4800800480 | Commission Paid To Agents for Sale of NSC |
PLI Endowment Assurance Schemes
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
58 | Payments | 4801400700 | PLI:(EA) PAYMENT OF DEATH |
59 | Payments | 4801400710 | PLI:(EA) PAYMENT OF SURRENDER |
60 | Payments | 4801400720 | PLI:(EA) PAYMENT of MATURITY |
61 | Payments | 4801400730 | PLI:(EA) PAYMENT of PAID-UP |
62 | Payments | 4801401200 | PAYMENT OF LOANS TO PLI POLICY |
RPLI Endowment Assurance Schemes
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
63 | Payments | 4801401070 | RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT OF DEATH |
64 | Payments | 4801401080 | RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT OF SURRENDER |
65 | Payments | 4801401090 | RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT of MATURITY |
66 | Payments | 4801401100 | RPLI: (EA) PAYMENT of PAID-UP VAL |
67 | Payments | 4801401210 | RPLI: PAYMENT OF LOANS TO POLICY |
68 | Payments | 7801601070 | PLI:REBATES alwd on ADV Pmnts of |
69 | Payments | 7801601120 | RPLI:REBATES alwd on ADV Pmnts of |
70 | Payments | 4844300010 | SECURITY DEPOSIT |
71 | Payments | 8844600060 | SHORT/EX. PAID MO |
72 | Payments | 8844600080 | I.R.C |
73 | Payments | 8844601030 | JT. INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS |
S.No | SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description | |
1 | Receipts | 8800100030 | Post Office Recurring Deposits (R.D) 1981 |
2 | Receipts | 8800100040 | PO 1 Year TD 1981 |
3 | Receipts | 8800100050 | PO 2 Year TD 1981 |
4 | Receipts | 8800100060 | PO 3 Year TD 1981 |
5 | Receipts | 8800100070 | PO 5 Year TD 1981 |
6 | Receipts | 8800100080 | Monthly Income Scheme 1987 |
7 | Receipts | 8800100090 | Senior Citizen Savings Scheme 2004 |
8 | Receipts | 8800100010 | (S.B),WFA,BPL |
9 | Receipts | 8800100020 | Sukanya Samriddhi A/c 2014 |
10 | Receipts | 8800200170 | 5 Year NSC |
11 | Receipts | 8800200060 | 6 Year NSC (8th-Issue) |
12 | Receipts | 8800200080 | 10 YEAR NSC 9th ISSUE |
13 | Receipts | 8800200270 | Kisan vikas patra-2014 |
14 | Receipts | 8800600010 | Public Provident Funds |
15 | Receipts | 8800800030 | Deduction on A/C of Premature Withdrawals. |
16 | Receipts | 8800800040 | Account Transfer Fee SCSS |
17 | Receipts | 8801400650 | PLI-EA Premium Receipts and Recoveries |
18 | Receipts | 8801400651 | PLI-EA Prem recd from DoP & deposits at |
19 | Receipts | 8801401220 | Repayment and recovery of Loans from PLI |
20 | Receipts | 8801401060 | RPLI-EA Premium Receipts and Recoveries |
21 | Receipts | 8801401061 | RPLI-EA Prem Receipts and Recoveries_1st year |
22 | Receipts | 8801401230 | Repayment and recovery of Loans from RPLI |
23 | Receipts | 7801601320 | PLI service tax |
24 | Receipts | 7801601370 | Rpli service tax |
25 | Receipts | 8002100030 | IT - Income Tax |
26 | Receipts | 8844601560 | PMSBY |
27 | Receipts | 8844601530 | PMJJY |
28 | Receipts | 8844601550 | PMJJY DOP TAX |
29 | Receipts | 8844601620 | APY26 |
PLI & RPLI miscelleneous
1 | Receipts | 2801600770 | Fee for issue of Duplicate Policy/pass books PLI |
2 | Receipts | 2801600810 | Fee for issue of Duplicate Policy/pass books RPLI |
3 | Receipts | 7801601160 | pli medical fee payment |
4 | Receipts | 7801601190 | rpli medical fee payment |
Finance & Accounting
SAP 10 Digit | Possible Description |
3020631300 | Office expenses |
8878100600 | IMT (western union) |
4867100030 | ATM |
8878300010 | Railway Collection |
8878300020 | Railway Commission |
8878300030 | Railway Cancelation Fee |
8878300040 | Refund of PRS |
3020831300 | Electricity Expenses |
3020590200 | Wages |
3020641400 | Rent, Water Bill |
3020580144 | Cash conveyance Allowance |
3020821300 | Office expenses for Generator |
3023271300 | Dept MMS ordinary services |
4867100012 | Logistic post |
8320101113 | LIC |
1800190100 | Sale of publications |
1800420100 | Found Excess (UCR) |
3022170196 | Wages payment to out sider works in place of gds |
4800900040 | GPF advance & withdrawal |
3010010138 | children education allow |
3020621100 | TA bill |
4320100504 | TA advance Division Office |
3011630178 | TA bill of Head Office |
3020590200 | Wages |
3020580114 | FSC |
3020361100 | Training TE |
3020371300 | DTC |
1101030100 | Business post |
3050182700 | Work charges |
8844601650 | CGST |
8844601670 | SGST |
4867100010 | DOP Cash |
4867100011 | POS Cash |