Thursday, 5 April 2018

AAO exam FAQ post office, AAO exam eligibility , vacancy position of AAO.


1. There is no age limit mentioned in AAO recruitment rules. Hence all can apply. But less than 2 years service officials may be restricted during exam notification.

2. Regarding eligibility this is the first time, eligibility was fixed by pay matrix levels. So MTS to PM Grade II/HSG II officials can apply. Level 1 to 6 can apply. IPs are now in level 7 now. So they cannot apply.

3. Total establishment of AAO cadre is 1208. Among that strength, total vacancies, date of examinations can be known only during exam notification.
4. PM RR section 6(iii) is applicable only to LSG cadre opting PM cadre to mandating them to continue in PM cadre hierarchy after opted. That cannot debar the PM Grade officials to AAO exam appearance.

5. So all PM cadre officials up to PM Grade II can apply for AAO exams and requested to send their application *through registered post* after recording properly in CC register.
6. Pl confirm the despatch of ur applications to next level. If anything is raised against PM cadre eligibility, AIAPS will come into action to accommodate the PMs till examinations as done during the case of IPPB. Because of AIAPS efforts PM cadre was added in eligiblity of IPPB exams. AIAPS will do the needful. Don't worry please study well if u r willing.

Genl Secretary

Author: verified_user