Tuesday, 20 March 2018

General knowledge questions 2018 : Postal system


Possible questions (frequently asked) for Postal assistant aptitude test about Postal System.These important previously asked questions will help you to attain a high score in the exam.

1. Which Governor general found Telegraph and Postal systems ?
Answer: Lord Dalhousie

2. When did the first General Post Office opened in India ?
Answer: 1774 (Kolkata)

3. Which is the first postage stamp of India ?
Answer: Sinde Dawk (1852)

4. What is the Fulform of PIN ?
Answer: Postal Index Number

5. When did the Pin system Started in India?
Answer: 1972 (In the same year Royal bangal Tiger replaces lion as National Animal)

6. Which is the first Indian post office outside Indian territory ?
Answer: post office at Dakshin Gangotri in Antarctica (1983)

7. When did the service of speed post started in India ?
Answer: 1986

8. In which year Money Order system introduced in India ?
Answer: 1880

9. In which year Postal Life Insurance started in India ?
Answer: 1884

10. Where is postal staff college situated ?
Answer: Ghaziabad (UP)
11. World Postal Day is observed in _________ ?
Answer: October 9

12. Indian Postal Day is observed in _________ ?
Answer: October 10

13. Where is highest post office in the world situated ?
Answer: Hikkim (Himachal Pradesh)

14. When did Universal Postal Union founded?
Answer: 1874

*15. where is the Headquarters of Universal Postal Union (UPU) 
Answer: Berne (Switzerland)

16. First Postal ATM was opened in which city?
Answer: Chennai

*17.Where is the Headquarters of Indian postal system?
Answer: New Delhi

*18. what is the purpose Project arrow?
Answer: Upgrade post offices in India(started in april 2008)

*19. Hobby of collecting stamps is called?
Answer: Philately

Author: verified_user