Thursday, 29 March 2018

CSI Server Problems & deployment of new Server


Dear comrades,
Today we had a informal meeting with CPMG , APMG Technology was also present in the meeting. From staff side, Circle Secretary, Circle President and Asst. Circle Secretary, Com. Chandra Swamy and Com. Sivanna D/S Mandya / Com.Mahesh represented , the meeting which was regarding the problems faced by the staff after implementation of CSI. 

CPMG admitted the hardship faced by the staff such as slowness of the Server, Data loss and other issues. CPMG assured us that the matter is taken up with the highest level . 
TCS is promised to deploy additional 4 Servers out of which Two Servers are installed & another Two more servers would be done on 29th and 30th of this month. On deploying the additional Servers the problems would be eased.

G. Janakiram 
Circle Secretary , AIPEU Karnataka Circle

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